Friday 4 April 2014


Giraffes are a member of the giraffeade family

A giraffes neck is (1.8m) long and weighs about 600 pounds (272kg). They also have brownor black spots and a yellow back. There eyes are wide and really big they can often be black. A giraffes heart is two feet (0.6m) long and weighs about 25 pounds (11kg) and they have a mane. Giraffes look a little like a cross between a camale and a Leoperd : they have a bit of a hump and they have spots .

Giraffes eat leaves twigs and fruit like apricot.  there favourite food is sea pods.

Giraffes are getting killed because people are using there tails as fly swats.

When a giraffe calf is born it drops to the ground head first from about 6 feet (1.8m) high. The fall surprises the calf and makes it take a deep breath , but doesn't really hurt it. The calf can walk after about an 10 hours it can run with its mum.


1 comment:

  1. Great facts - make sure you know what everything means
