Wednesday 23 September 2015

Time For Showtime

30 New Zealand stories are inside Showtime!

Picnics,musicians and the country show,birthdays,fairs and rodeo. 30 stories about New Zealand children showing what they are made of at home, at school, in parades and any where!

The comb kazoo, In the front row,bombe Alaska,Ophelia steals the show,Jacobs Jitters,book day,Uncle Barnies buttons, the best biscut plan, standing tall, shy, zee dance, shut your mouth, stumble bum, parade, the close shave, tThe School Of Hard Knocks,the show must go on,the dawn parade, stage fright,easy cake, Glory,The feathered cloak, Mikey Flecher and his South American dots,Rattrays last show,pot belly brown, The Great Orlando, The day Gran sang scilent night,real magic, the kiwi Christmas show and little savages.

Zee dance and stage fright are my favourite stories.
Zee dance is about a girl who is auditioning for a dance performance but she has a dream she was dancing with the nut cracker prince.

Stage fright is about a girl called Mady and she is in a class play but she gets stage fright so she pretends every one is in there undies.

This book is funny and wonderfull!

Mikey Fletcher and his South American dots is the funniest story because Mikey builds a stool for a tiny   
Flea  circus. Everyone thinks that the dots are there. But they are not even real!
To make it look like a flea is riding a little metal bike, Mikey uses a magnet.

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