Tuesday 26 July 2016

The horrible snow storm


In the holidays Dad,Saskia,Isaac and I went to castle hill to do some climbing

It was a Sunday evening when we ran to the car with our things ready to go.

Soon we were driving on the road talking and playing on our electronics.

As we drove into Springfield the weather started to lower down and it started to rain like crazy.

Soon another hour past and it started to snow lightly.

We didn't care because we were already at the amazing castle hill.But as we started walking the snow suddenly started to pour down and we had to run back to the car.

When we were running the wind pushed Saskia and Isaac forcing them to run their hardest.

Finally we made it to the car and when we opened the door some snow came rushing in.

When we were all in the car Isaac closed the door and we started to drive

On the way back dad stopped at the shop to get a pie.

As soon as we knew it we were back in Christchurch .

I was happy and relived that the snow storm was finished 


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