Thursday 29 September 2016

The tree of life

The tree of life is the tree that keeps all to life, if the tree gets killed everything dies...hopefully that will never happen...
Then, one day a tragedy happened!
The big tree started dying 
The eagle that protected the tree was to old to protect the tree anymore so the eagle headed to find another protector so the eagle flew off to find one. 
the eagle flew so far then the eagle found someone so he soared down and then he saw another eagle and he said “ can you come with me!” “Yes.” he replied. And the tree was saved.

By Flynn Greaves

Tuesday 27 September 2016



Once upon a time there was a sweet girl called Malifecent.
Malifecent had straight black hair,blue eyes,a dark brown cloak,black highheels and two red horns with sharp points at the top sticking straight out of her head. Malifecent lived with her friends the animals and a mermaid called ariel.They lived on the light side.The light side had a beautiful shimering river.It had lush green grass on the earth and there were bright flowers sprouting out of the ground.One day Malifecent woke up and she looked at the calender to find out it was her birthday. “Yipee” yelled Malifecent.She walked outside thinking that there was a party waiting for her but there was nobody there because her friends heard her wake up and they were throwing a suprise party for her so they took down the decorations.They were about to jump out when Malifecent walked away.But when she was walking someone from the dark side jumped out and kidnapped her. “HELP” Malifecent cried. So her friends came to the rescue but they were too late. As Malifecent got pushed into the dark side she saw why it was called that.There was an eagle that was black all over with white speckles dotted all over its neck.In the distance she could see big black factories bellowing with thick grey smoke.The ground was rocky like a volcano and the river looked more like oil then fresh clean water.Malifecent got hung up a tree by her wrists and ankles so that she could not escape.But little did Malifecent know that her friends were coming to the resue.And soon enough they were cutting away at Malifecents wrists and ankles.Malifecent felt happy that her friends had saved her.How did you save me asked Malifecent 

We just swam said her friends.when they got back Malifecents friends threw the party the were meant to and they all had a good time.THE END.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Barny takes over

Once upon a time a bad guy called Barny who wanted more and more money every day. Because he wanted Mc Fynn( the most populer resturant ever). On the other side of a lake there was a kingdom that belonged to Jeff or the niceiest Kylo Ren ever. Kylo Ren did not like Barny because  barny  is a fat pigy dinosore pig who doesn’t like STAR WARS! When every one loves STAR WARS! He hates STAR WARS! So much that he distroide his land. Because STAR WARS! Is about the beautiful lands and the animal’s thats why is land is bad.l

Kylo Ren has soldiers called kylo men. Kylo men have a favourite chineeze store called wa wa waty wa store ! When they go in the crazy chineeze man alwayse ses oh herro yo wa kumada i don’t know what that meens cheeze man. Say the Kylo men the man says his name is mistre songpuuuutawa boossack for short. GF GO T O THE END OF THE WORLD

Back at the castle barny is eating e very thing at mc fynn Kylo ren is getting his Kylo men to snipe barny then they do 5 years later it’s ok barny’s   


the end!!!!$$$$

you thout that it was ok butt it’s not barny turns into a

zombie!!!!! %$$

the  Kylo me died in the universe.

Good side vs evil side

  There was a secret  world with good side and evil side.jumping gloomy slimy sloths on the evil side and fairies on old side.When all the fairys were asleep the evil sloths made a plan. It was to end the the sun so it can stop being sunny but when they pushed the button it came even more sunny they lived happily ever after the end
 By keita 

Shavaughn and the missing pencil

Shavaughn and the missing pencil

One day when Shavaughn woke up she looked at her bedside table for her pencil but it wasn't there so she kept looking and looking for it but she couldn't find her pencil. Shavaughn came very upset she started to cry so she called Sophia to come over and help her look for the pencil so they went to the old wise tree to see if she knew where the pencil was. she said look behind me. Shavaughn looked behind the tree there her pencil she thanked the tree and went to school with Sophia .

THE END     

Dark vs light

On one cold dark stormy night on the dark side the bad people were having a meeting about how annoying the good people are.They came up with an evil plan.They wanted all the light things to tern dark like them evil people.On the other side everyone was playing fantastically happily.The bad people were ready to do the plan.But unfortunately the good people knew there evil plan.The good people got ready.Boom Crack the whole world was light agin.the end.
By piper.