Thursday 22 September 2016

Barny takes over

Once upon a time a bad guy called Barny who wanted more and more money every day. Because he wanted Mc Fynn( the most populer resturant ever). On the other side of a lake there was a kingdom that belonged to Jeff or the niceiest Kylo Ren ever. Kylo Ren did not like Barny because  barny  is a fat pigy dinosore pig who doesn’t like STAR WARS! When every one loves STAR WARS! He hates STAR WARS! So much that he distroide his land. Because STAR WARS! Is about the beautiful lands and the animal’s thats why is land is bad.l

Kylo Ren has soldiers called kylo men. Kylo men have a favourite chineeze store called wa wa waty wa store ! When they go in the crazy chineeze man alwayse ses oh herro yo wa kumada i don’t know what that meens cheeze man. Say the Kylo men the man says his name is mistre songpuuuutawa boossack for short. GF GO T O THE END OF THE WORLD

Back at the castle barny is eating e very thing at mc fynn Kylo ren is getting his Kylo men to snipe barny then they do 5 years later it’s ok barny’s   


the end!!!!$$$$

you thout that it was ok butt it’s not barny turns into a

zombie!!!!! %$$

the  Kylo me died in the universe.

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