Thursday 12 April 2018

Making ANZAC biscuits

Making ANZAC biscuits

At the start of the day Mr Gray looked for children who were sitting nice and listening. He chose a group of 7 who went to bake in the kitchen with Angela and Hannah, Makayla’s and Gabe’s mum. I got to go second which was lucky because Mr Gray had remembered the sugar by then.

The mix felt weird when I rolled them into balls. They were really greasy like oil. Some people ate the dough and said it tasted good.

In the hall you could smell the biscuits getting cooked. As we went into the kitchen it smelt so good, like fresh dough waiting to go in the oven. The smell made me excited to eat ANZAC biscuits and I couldn’t wait.

“I loved making ANZAC biscuits and they taste real good... with sugar.

By JE Reynolds

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