Thursday 26 September 2013

Evil bunny

Once apon a time there lived Aimee and Jordy in a green and purple treehouse because they really liked the treehouse outside there Mums and Dads house. One day Jordy was playing netball then a cute little white bunny hopped on the court. It came to Jordy, Jordy said "are you lost" but the bunny did not answer. So after the netball game was over Jordy took the bunny home. When Jordy got to the treehouse Aimee said "what are you doing with a white cute bunny. Jordy said " I find it at the netball court,it is lost" that night while we were in our beds all warm and cuddly Jordy and Aimee heard a big crash they heard it because the window was open in the house. So they run down the brown ladder and then in the bright yellow house they saw red blood shot eyes staring at them. In 1 second the bunny turned evil evil evil and jumped on there heads like crazy as Jordy and Aimee cuddled together they scramed in horror. Then they run to there dads science lab to make a potion to turn the evil bunny back to good. After they made the yellow potion the bunny had taken the potion he drunk the potion the potion because he thought it was a potion to make him more powerful. The bunny turned cute white and fluffy again they lived happily ever after. 

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