Thursday 14 August 2014

how to make french toast

this will make 8 pieces of french toast

ingredients:                           equipment:
.2 eggs                                .knife
.half a cup of milk                    .fork x2
.bread {8 pieces of bread}             .pan
.oil                                   .bowl
.sugar                                 .plate
.maple syrup                           .spatular 
.cinnamon                              .stove
.whipped cream                               

1.Get bowl out.
2.Put eggs into bowl. 
3.Mix the eggs with fork.
4.While your mixing the eggs pour the milk in with the eggs mix until skin colour.
5.Turn pan on wait till hot then put some oil into pan.
6.Dip bread with the mixture on it so bread is covered.
7.Put the bread with the stuff on it into pan.
8.Wait till bread is brown on one side then do same on other side.
9.Serve french toast on to plate then put toppings on and…
10.Time to EAT!!!!

Rate the french toast if you like it have it again and copy this recipe.  

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