Wednesday 17 June 2015

Airforce Museum

On 16 on june room 3&4 went to the air force museum  we went on a bus when we got there we had morning tea.

Then we sat down in front of the 'Wall of Honour' then Chris told us that Rm 3 was going to his classroom and Rm 4 was doing a treasure hunt. 

In the classroom we learnt about the war in 1915 World War 1. 
Some of the soldiers  were throwing food at the other side to trick them and when they came to get the food they got shot. 

Then we had a break and learnt about the truce days. After that we went and played on the plane before we swapped over.

For the treasure we paired up with a mum. I was with Grace, Jasmine, Ellie, Fynn and Graces Mum. There were 12 questions and we found and answered all of them. We did a sheet of planes that we saw and we had to do what we saw and how they felt when they did it. But I didn't do it. All of the planes that we saw were real but one.

after that we had lunch THE END .

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