Tuesday 4 August 2015

Olivia's netball

                                          Olivia's netball

 The wind blew in my face sending a chill down my back. As we walked slowly on to the icy coarts of Hagley park on the icy Tuesday. As we walked we watched the other teams play games and tried to look out for my coasins. When we got to the Marquee we put our bags and chairs down. THen mum went to get a coffee, fluffy and hot chocolate for us. Then we went to watch Olivia's game. I can't remember who they versed or the score but I know they won. After tht Emilie, Mum, Zoe and I went watch my cousin Mika play. I think they won but I don't know. But I what I do know was that someone in Mika's team fell over and twisted her ankle. After that drama we went to watch Olivia play netball against St Margarets. Olivia's team won 19-17. Following that we had something to eat and went to watch Mika play again. By that time we were all a little cold and tired. They ended in the top 4 out of 32 teams.

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