Thursday 13 August 2015

Grow the donkeys tail

Goal: to pin the tail in the exact middle of the donkeys bum.

Materials: pin, fake tail (can be cardboard), Donkey poster, group of people, blindfold.


  1.  Put the poster on the wall. 
  2. Tie the pin to the cardboard.
  3. Organise a line with the people.
  4.  Put the blindfold on the first person in the line.
  5.  Pass the pin to the person with the blindfold on.
  6. Walk towards the poster the best you can (this is for the person with the blindfold on)
  7. Trie ame the pin to the donkeys bum.
  8. Take the blindfold of the see were you got it 
  9. Continue this over and over with ever person.

The person that got it the closest to where the tail would go on a real donkey is the winner.

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