Tuesday 17 November 2015

Jazmyne's argument about fireworks


I like fireworks, they look cool but I think you shouldn't have them at home. Lots of people think they should be at home. 

Fireworks should be one day a year because they can hurt animals. They can hurt their ears and frighten them. The animals can run away as well. Miss Harris' bunny sometimes runs away form the noise of the fireworks.

I think that you should ask your next door neighbour. They could be going to bed and you might wake them.  They might have a big day at school the next day and they might be going to bed early.

You shouldn't have them at home because it could damage something. Like their house caught on fire or their fence, which means they need to buy a new house. Firemen would have to come with a hose to make the fire disappears. 

I think you could have sparklers at home. But if they're ones that go in the sky I think those ones should be for public displays.

Friday 13 November 2015


Today I meet Spike. He is a dragon lizard. His eyes are black as night. He is brown. He is a scaly fish. He comes from the Australian desert where it is really hot. He has a big mouth and a long tail. He has little short legs and a spikey body. He eats daises,bugs and lettuce.At the end of his fingers he has claws that curve like an arch. Spike is an unasal pet but he is really friendly. Spike was my favorite pet on pet day.

Thursday 5 November 2015

blue the kitten

Blue the kitten has blue at the top of his body and white at the bottom of his body .He has blue eyes like the sky and cute little ears and a cute tale .he is as soft as a teddybear she eats cat food she is very little and is very shy and she and she has very little paws like a persons eye. 

Monday 2 November 2015


                                          ! LEO !

      Leo is our Cat she's got big Bulgy yellow eyes like an owl in the Dark and she's all Black. She eats Jellymeat and Cat biscits and she like's her food alot. And when I say she like's her food alot  I mean AAAAAALLLLLLOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!?!!!?!!!. She's very Lazy and use's me like a piece of funiture. Her wiskers are Long and she Loves to chase string and things that move quickly.


                                         Writien by Franky