Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Recycling Process.

When you take an old unwanted product and make new materials from them you are recycling. This is a way to reduce waste that ends up in landfill.

It is important to put the right things in the yellow bin. The things that should be put in the yellow bin are plastic bottles, cans, glass bottles, milk bottles, yogurt containers, steel cans, aluminum cans, and news paper. You should not put any other stuff in.

The first place the rubbish goes is in the recycling plant, while in there it gets taken into a white room, In there, there are 5 or 6 people who take out the rubbish that should've been put in the red bin. Next the rest goes through another machine and take's the glass bottles to another conveyor belt. The rest of the rubbish then falls on a different conveyor belt which sorts out the cardboard. Eventually all of the rubbish gets sorted out.

Some of the rubbish gets turned into different materials. Plastic bottles get turned into polyester which makes clothes. Milk bottles get turned into the plastic rubbish bins we have at school.

Hopefully people will recycle so we will stop landfill.

By Hannah Judkins

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