Tuesday 10 December 2013


On Monday 9th of DECEMBER
Room 3 went to the beach to go surfing we had a really good time and learnt stuff about the waves like how the waves break I love surfing now and I am a really good surfer because my uncle is a professional surfer and sometimes he used to teach me.Now I want a wetsuit and a soft top  we surfed for about half an hour I learned some cool skills like how to get up on the board for example first we paddle then we put our arms under our arm pits and get up and bend our legs and have our arms out by our sides and balance its a little cold at the start but it gets warmer its good because I had a wetsuit on..and he whole time I was surfing I wasn't really concentrating on the waves or the Board because I was focusing on... NIALL  we were in groups I was in group 2 so I went second in my group was Juliet,Lily,Myka,Verity,Astasia,Lilah that was all the girls and who cares about the BOYS!!! 

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