Monday 3 November 2014

the tunnel in the forest

" bored! bored! bored!" I can't believe my parents sent me to Canada to study English! I don't know anyone and there is nothing to do Jess complained. She sat in the park at the edge of the forest looked up as the clouds passed by. Then she looked into the forest. her teacher warned her to stay in the park but she was curious so she walked through the trees. after a short while she found a secret tunnel...
She walked down the tunnel and found a little gum drop walking down the tunnel, it started to hug her they became best friends.Gum drop showed her a space ship, we teleported to a deep dark forest . she was so scared that she got straight back into the space ship. It was as fast as a cheetah. After a long time a land with little mushroom houses and tiny blue people meet Jessica with smurf language.
They gave Jessica a big hug and she said bye bye.They said smurf smurf and she left the smurf place. Then teleported to a land...With lots of lollies and other different lollie based things. You should of seen the village it was as beautiful as her pet slime. She talked to the slimes in the village they said " don,t go to the candy cane forest there is something that will scare you so badly it is the fat big tall lollie giant". telepoerting , teleporting, teleporting to a big dark forest. Running away was a little kitten. I saw a shadow near her the kitten started to shiver behind her. I grabbed the little kitten.Jessica, her slime and kitten teleported back home ." what a wonderful adventure.


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