Thursday 6 November 2014

the tunnel dragon

``bored! bored! bored! I can’t believe my parents sent me to Canada to study english I don’t know anyone and there is nothing to do, Jesse complained. he sat in the park at the edge of the forest looking up as the clouds passed by. then he looked into the forest. his teacher warned him to stay in the park but he was curious so he walked through the trees. after a short while he found a secret tunnel so he walked, grabbed a torch from his bag and turned it on then he heard howling (hooooohooooo) luckily it was just an owl. then he heard rumbling, he walked further in the cave.
he stepped on something hard and sharp so he picked up a stone a threw it, it stopped and dropped to the ground. then red eyes came out of know where a dragon started to attack him so he pulled a minigun from his bag and started firing at the dragon no just kidding who would let a student in to school with a minigun, anyway back to the story, he dropped his torch and ran all the way out. the dragon followed him  then his best friend Ernie knew 3 diffrent martial arts. Ernie knew judo, aikido and karate then he attacked
ka pow, wapish kawiy dasoo
it was awesome to watch. It was like an action movie scene. 

the dragon fell to the ground uncscious. they walked away back to school and lived happily ever after.   1o year later jesse became a dragon hunter and Ernie became the best martial arter in the world and they where still friends

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