Wednesday 5 November 2014

Eric and the princess

Eric found a portal, he was afraid to go in. On his right was a old man. He had large leg’s like tree roots, his arms was pumping pure vains,  he terrified Eric. 3 hours later the old man said you” shall walk through the portal now !!! So Eric went through the portal. Bob (the big guy) came with him. They teleported to Candy land to save PPB princess bubble gum. She was locked in a tower with pure chocolate water and pure candy floss for company. When bob and Eric arrived their quest was to find vinegar man in town. People were all made out of fudge head, fish sticks legs and hands, eyes out of chocolate balls mouth made out of lime stones and some yellow bubble gum. When they found vinegar man they wanted weapons from him like combat axe, MP7 gun and some Rifles to save princess bubble gum. When they found the tower they needed to throw the combat axe to kill the huge lime guards on his right came the Queen of candy land. The Queen could see through anything accept metal, strawberry bushes so they were lucky. 
Bob said go in the chocolate lime watery tower, so Eric sneaked in by flying. When entering candyland you have 2 hours of flying when you are out of flying potion you get to the Queen. Bob tricked Eric into going inside the tower so Eric got locked inside the tower with princess bubble gum. Bob sneaked up behind Eric didn’t know that Bob was going to trap him in the tower for ever. So Bob made little noise and Eric turned behind and ran out the door because he knew that he was going to be trapped inside the tower with princess bubble gum. He didn’t want to stay inside so he had a plan, he flew up and saw the room and saw the window was opened and flew through the window and saved princess bubble gum. When she finished they tried to get rid of Bob, and the Queen. When Eric got rid of the Queen and Bob princess bubble gum said to Eric will you marry me so Eric said to princess bubble gum yes I will marry so they lived happy ever after

BY Peter Tafaese !#!#!#!#! :) :) :P B) 

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