Friday 7 February 2014

The farm animals

On Wednesday the 5th .room 3 2 and room 1 went to Orana  park to learn about animals when we got  there we had morning tea.then we went to the Gibons they sung a song and  we saw Graffs. We also talked about farm animals that's the topic I'm going to be talking about today when we got to the  farm yard  I went to look at the sheep's and the cows The sheep's fur was like fluffy snow and the cows fur was kind of hard and soft at the same time. Then I went to look at the rabbit It was as wide as trash can the colour was ginger and blond I like those colours . After I saw a talking parrot  that said hello it was funny Then  Toby the person who was teaching us brought out a llamer . We got to feed it and pat it the llamer . We gave it speshil plaits  what you had to do was pretty easy you have to put your hand out flat with the palit on your hand then it comes round it picks it the palit up with its lips . It tickles a lot Then we looked at the keas there really cheacky Then we sat down and tallked about  what we did . Finally we had to go back to school I liked feeding the garaffis . By saskia

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