Friday 7 February 2014


On Wednesday  it was Mr Gray birthday room 3-1 went to Oriana park (to learn about all the different animals ) . First we got into the bus when we got out the sky was gray as a rhino .  Then Tobey came . The first animal animal we saw was the Gibbons names was Oscer he was in the rubbish truck for so many years Now he lives in the zoo with all the other gibbons he changed very fast . The song thay sang was very loud but it was awesome. The second endangered animal    was the giraffes thay wrap there toughs around the leaves the next animal we saw was the meerkats were really cute scampering around  in it's habitats there was a tunnel and logs . after that we saw the rhinos one was kissing the wall. Thay kill rhino for there horn to make the bottom of the soared and Medicine then we had lunch and put our bag in the class room then we left .The farm yard Tobey could not get the lamar out of its pen so we had to go in to the sheep and the cows pen then he got it out . the next animal was the spider monkeys .then it was the lion  the men had no mane.It as so fun.

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