Friday 7 February 2014


On Wednesday the 5th the Year 4,5,6,7,and 8 children went to Orana Park. After the roll we lined up in our classrooms to go on the bus. When our classroom got on the bus we went whoosh and were off to Orana Park. It was about 25-30 minutes long. Finally we got there, Yay! WHen we got off the bus we sat down and had a little snack. Then we went through the gates and sat on the deck. After we got in our groups, year 4,5 , got Toby, he sounded like like a great zookeeper teacher. WHen we got finished our finished our food we went for a little walk to see the SIamang Gibbons. When we got there Toby talked about the Gibbons. One was named Oscar. When he was a little gibbon his mum died and he got taken away. Guess where he got taken to… a pet-shop! Then he got sold to a rubbish man. Guess how long he lived in a rubbish truck for… 6 Years! Then Oscar got sold to Orana Park. Now he has a wife and 3 children. It was an amazing story. When we left I felt like going back!
By Lily 

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