Friday 4 April 2014



White rhinos are endangered.
Female white rhinos are 1'700. Male white rhinos are 2'360 kg.

There are not many white rhinos left  in the world.

They  look like a big horned bull with horns.
They have big feet as well.

People cut rhinos horns but first they  kill rhinos...
They use the horns for medicine.

Did you know? Rhino means nose horn.

A white rhino are generally considered the second largest land mammal after the elephant.
We could help our rhino by... 

Raising money for the zoos and give it to the staff
We could also tell the people that they should just use tranquilliser to get the horns ... If they are not going to stop killing!!!!!!!.


Giraffes are a member of the giraffeade family

A giraffes neck is (1.8m) long and weighs about 600 pounds (272kg). They also have brownor black spots and a yellow back. There eyes are wide and really big they can often be black. A giraffes heart is two feet (0.6m) long and weighs about 25 pounds (11kg) and they have a mane. Giraffes look a little like a cross between a camale and a Leoperd : they have a bit of a hump and they have spots .

Giraffes eat leaves twigs and fruit like apricot.  there favourite food is sea pods.

Giraffes are getting killed because people are using there tails as fly swats.

When a giraffe calf is born it drops to the ground head first from about 6 feet (1.8m) high. The fall surprises the calf and makes it take a deep breath , but doesn't really hurt it. The calf can walk after about an 10 hours it can run with its mum.



Rhino are mammals.

Rhino eat up to 190 to 200 plants a day. They eat bark, grass and roots. They find food by scratching the ground. Rhinos live in the East African plains. They are five meters long and two meters wide , they are gray with big horns. Did you know that rhino skin is as soft as human skin? Rhino have nose muscles that lock their horn into place in battle but when they are relaxed you can wiggle their horns from side to side. Rhino horn is made of hair. There are five different specices of rhino. All five can grow to the weight of 1000kg. Relative to their large body they have tiny brains. We need to look after rhino because they will be extinct very soon.


Cheetahs is a type of cat

Cheetahs eat gazelles and other mammals. they mostly eat meat and dears . They hunt and chase them down to get the food they eat.

There habitats are in Africa . It is really sandy and not many trees and quite hot,with hardly any water.

Cheetahs are endangered because there habitats are getting diminished and people want there skin for clothes and rugs .

Cheetahs are spotted , black and yellow they can run fast but only a short distance . They are the secound biggest cats in the world . 

I really like cheetahs because they can run fast.

Thursday 3 April 2014


The tiger is part of the cat family.

Their favourite type of environment is one of forest where they can hide in the trees.

Tigers are carnivores. The majority of their diet is meat and some fat. Siberian tigers will eat moose, 
deer, sika deer and must deer. However their favourite is wild boar and manchurian.

Tigers can be white and orange. White tigers are a sort of snowy tiger and the orange tiger is a dark orange.

I choose  the tiger because they are beautiful animal.