Tuesday 2 September 2014

School holidays

What a better way than to start the holidays than a firework show, that's right Tony Grandfathers head technician Mum and I were setting up for the opening of kidsfest firework show. After we conected the pyro to the terminal box then I kept Zina Tonys dog company and keeping out of the bitterly cold wind. Finally the time had come, I proudly was in charge of videoing the show it was breathtaking it was so much fun. At the end of the holidays Hayley came over for a sleepover so on saturday night we stayed up talking till ten thirty it was so much fun. The next day feeling rushed and a tight skegiwil we were up at 6:30 breakfast and finished by 7:00. Then dad saw us "what are you doing up so early"he asked "getting reading for clip'n'climb" I answered unsertainly "you are going at10:30" u o that was a big mistake, so we had a boring morning. Then at 10:30 privies we were jumping, laughing and shoughting having so much fun but before I knew it, it was time to go to see how you train your dragon 2 but dad was so hungry we had to wait for him to stuf his face with bugerking. Inbarrasing right? The movie was awesome I won't tell you because I don't want to ruin it for you. But to my astonitment dad was hungry again so we had to wait for him to eat his KFC. These were the one best holidays yet

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