Monday 19 October 2015

My Alexandra Holiday Fun

                    MY ALEX HOLIDAY FUN

                                                On Saturday Mum,Dad,Oliver,Charlotte and i went to Alexandra were my Grandma and Granddad live.The day before we left my Granddad went to hospital.Its really sad that he's in hospital.When we arrived we went stragit  to the hospital to see him.Then we went to my Grandmas house and unpacked our bags.I got out my laptop and ipad and played on my ipad and litstend  to music and wrote a report on my laptop.The next day was my Mums birthday.Tom and Olivia my fav cousins were going swimming and they asked me and Charlotte if we wanted to come and we said yes so Charlotte, Jacob and I went to the swimming pool with Tom and Olivia.The small warm pool was closed so we wen had to go to the big COLD swimming pool.That cold water so Olivia Jacob and i were at the deep end and i tricked them to jumping in so once Jacob got out he pushed my in.After that we went on the diving boards and i tricked them again so Jacob pushed me in and after that e kept jumping and swimming and it was so much fu.In the car on the way back to grandmas we got to have a lollypop and a packet of chips.We we got inside there was 5 aunites and uncles and 7 cousins but thats not my whole family i have way more on the same side.On thursday we went to the swimming pool again with liv and tom but this time jacob didn't come and the big pool was closed because of swimming lessons.We also had another big dinner to say goodbye to my auntie who was going back to ausi.Two days later Dad,Oliver,Charlotte and i went back to Christchurch and mum stayed to help our granddad in hospital and she was flying back on the wednesday.

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