Friday 16 October 2015

Orana park

                                                       Orana Park 
On the weekend Mum,Jessica, Joshua and I went to Orana park. First  we went to the monkeys. One was climbing on a rope and it fell off. It was funny when he fell because he grabbed his own arm instead of the rope and just fell. 
Then we  went to the kiwis, one was right up close to me. I only got a quick look because I'm scared of the dark. 
Next we went to see the giraffes. They are really tough and not many people know that giraffes have purple tongues. They think they are blue. 
After that we had a picnic lunch that mum and dad made for us. 
Next we went to see the lions. One climbed up onto the cage of the truck. It looked like it was having the time of its life as the truck was going with the person who was feeding the lions in the cage. I would of liked to be in the cage.
Next we went  to see the Tasmanian Devils we got  a photo then we went to the tigers the person who was feeding the tigers threw the food it look like flying food.
Next we went to the Rainbow Trouts. The swan got in the way and started to eat the food.
Next we went to the Cheeters. I could just see it. The cheeter was storming the food.
In the car on the way home  I almost fell a sleep.

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