Monday 19 October 2015

Splashes In Hanmer

In the 2nd week on Saturday morning, Dad and I slept in.we woke up at 11:30 AM. I wasn't very excited until Dad said we were going to Hanmer. After breakfast we started to drive to  Rangiora first, because Dad wanted to see a van.Also Dad wanted to work on a silo. We went to the house where the van was being sold.  I took lots of pictures of  sheep. I  took an excellent picture, except  one of the sheep was facing the wrong way and I got its bum instead of her face.
After that we went to the silo for a couple of hours. I felt sorry for Dad because  when he went to the petrol station, Dad smelled like a pig farmer.
 It was a long way to get to Hanmer. We reached Hanmer at 9:30 PM. We found  a motel made of rocks. We stayed  in a very nice room  because it was made of stones and pebbles . In the morning  I  made a yummy luxury hot chocolate. I also watched Malifecent and had a shower. We drove around town then to the pools. I had a suprise when my friends from the Philippines were there. Janice, Hannah and Eina. I went on the Super Bowl hydroslide, with Janice many times,the first time we went backwards. It was so scary! 
But after around 3 hours they had to leave. I had so much fun!!!

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