Tuesday 10 December 2013


On Monday 9th of DECEMBER
Room 3 went to the beach to go surfing we had a really good time and learnt stuff about the waves like how the waves break I love surfing now and I am a really good surfer because my uncle is a professional surfer and sometimes he used to teach me.Now I want a wetsuit and a soft top  we surfed for about half an hour I learned some cool skills like how to get up on the board for example first we paddle then we put our arms under our arm pits and get up and bend our legs and have our arms out by our sides and balance its a little cold at the start but it gets warmer its good because I had a wetsuit on..and he whole time I was surfing I wasn't really concentrating on the waves or the Board because I was focusing on... NIALL  we were in groups I was in group 2 so I went second in my group was Juliet,Lily,Myka,Verity,Astasia,Lilah that was all the girls and who cares about the BOYS!!! 

We go out surfing

On Monday 9th dec year 4 and 5's went down to the north wai board riders club and my dad taught us how to surf. Me Myka jai and James looked over the wall and saw a nice 1-2 foot light offshore. We couldn't wait to get out. Luckily for James and jai they were in the first group that was going surfing first. Me and Myka were pretty angry about that. 

Our group had to learn about beach safety.nooooooooo! After a while are group finally got to go out. Me Myka and lily went out back until a set came through and lily said to me I think this is a little bigger then it looks like on the beach and went back in. 

Myka caught the first wave and did two nice cuties and a smack up the top. I waited for a set came through and finally got my first wave I rid along the wave and did two nice top turns. Myka got a few more howlers. Then a set came through and I thought this was the wave I had been waiting for all day paddling paddling damn! Hughzie dropped in on me. A few sets later I new this set was the wave I was waiting for I checked to see if hughzie was around he was but he wasn't paddling he was there waiting for me he said go for it to me. I paddled and paddled and caught the wave I did a nice bottom turn and rid along the wave this was my chance snap yes i made it.

I felt so good.when I came in I saw everybody making sand castles so I started to make one by myself.    Jai started to join in with me I made a roundish hill.

The surf

On Monday room 3 went to the beach to learn how to suff it wasn't scary. I had so much fun. 
I really want to join the surf club and surf some more. At the start I didn't stand up but I keeper trying and I stood up. It was so fun I loved it after that we got out and made sandcastle i was so tired but it was still worth it. I had a great day

North Wai Jai

On Monday our class went surfing. The surf was pumping. I got wave of the session and did two sick
Slides. James and Myka did some sick turns as well.It was really warm.


On Monday room 3 went to the beach and did some surfing at the start I felt nervous and scard but when I got in it was really fun catching the waves and zooming across the water . I stod up then fell of near the end and fell on one nee it heart . when I fell of the surfboard sand went in my mouth and the water was really cold  . After we had a sand castle compaction ours came in 3rd place it was really fun .
Thank you very much to all the helpers . 


Finally we're here at north wai surfing club we are having a lesson  we are in two groups th first group is doing surfing the other one is doing beach skills my is doing beach skills.were learning about tides and then we are playing a game after we are going into the water I am so existed the game was beach flags. After I chose a soft top board and I was a natrail.the end

North Wai

I felt exited when we went surfing at north wai I caught about 4 waves and Nicolas  helped me get out back . Before we went surfing we watched Jai surf  then we had a  Flag race I won.

North wai surf trip

On Monday the 9 of  December year 4 and 5 went for a surf trip to north wai. The waves were 1-1 and a half foot and offshore there were a lot of helpful parent there. We also learnt about beach safety. Jai and James were in the first group so they headed out first and jai was getting some good waves. After a while we got are wetsuits on and headed out. Every
There's myka
one enjoyed surfing but no one wanted to leave

Surf Life Saving

It was a nice, warm day on the 9th of December 2013, perfect weather for surf life saving. At our school, the year 4's and 5's walked to North Wai to learn about surf life saving and how to surf. We had to wear wetsuits with our togs underneath. Some people didn't have wetsuits so we borrowed some of the club's wetsuits.

We got separated into 2 groups, one of the groups learnt about beach safety, while the other group learnt how to surf with with Clare, Darnielle, Michael, Mark, Nick, and Nick. My group surfed first. It was really fun. But the surf boards were heavy. 

When we swapped over, a guy called Cameron taught us about the beach. Then we had a sandcastle competition. There was first, second and third place, me, Jessica's and Verity's sandcastle came third. 

Thanks to all the people who helped out with the surfing, I had an amazing day


Yay today is Monday and the year 4 and 5 are going surfing at North Wai. First we started  standing on our boards and we talked about tides and rips.Then we got in the water I felt cold and an steady 
As I slipped on my board and in to place. I tried to catch a wave but missed I tried again and got it.I felt a chill go down my back it was getting cold I needed to get out fast but as soon as I got out I felt the cold wind so as quickly as possible I changed and had lunch.


Yay to day is Monday the year 4&5's are going surfing at north Brighton first we walk from school to the north wai surf club and meet the adults we where split in to groups.Group 1 went to get changed in to there wetsutes group 2 learnt how to tell if there is a rip and then we played flag game then group 2 got in to wet then started to get wet in the water parents healped us in the water it was cold but warm exiting fun and awesome!!!!! 


Today's the day the year fives go surfing at North Wai board riders club.I am nervous but exited to, I can't wait.When we got to the beach there were two groups I was the first group and we were in the water on the surf boards even Mr Gray went on the surf board.At first it was a bit difficult but you get the hang of it.That night I had to go to netball academy it was my last day for it I was happy after that I went home I had dinner then I ironed my dad's shirts then went to bed I was so tired that night but I had a great time.

The bad day

Yesterday everyone in our class went surfing, well most of us. I couldn't go because if my stupid broken hand!!! I was so gutted that I couldn't go surfing.

It was the perfect day for surfing and there were massive waves. I have never been surfing before and that was my chance to go out and surf but I hadn't got a water proof cast.
Everyone was going so well and they were saying how cool it was. That made me feel really bad
But I got over it because I knew I would eventually go surfing.

The end