Tuesday 29 July 2014

The big day

I woke up Saturday  morning and juped out of bed felling exited the day had finally .come I hoped in the car and of we went . Dad put DVD players on the bake of our sets so we could watch a move . After the move YAY we where there I crawled out of the car.( we where staying in a motel.) we hoped out of the car . And got ready for the wedding .oh did I mention I was going to my cousins wedding .   But only for the ceremony . when we got to the wedding .it was all decorated there was a brig ,swans in a  lake , and a fontin . It was very pretty .then the ceremony sated. Laur my cousin came in a long whit dress and cow girl boots. (Groovy) after the ceremony .i went bake with some of my cousins they were going to baby sit me for the night .we stayed up till 10:40 it was amazing .In the morning I had pancakes for breakfast and hopped bake in the car and of we went .      

The end
By Annie 

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