Friday 25 July 2014

Thunderbirds are go!

The Genius Thunderbirds.

😄In the holidays I watched the thunderbirds my favourite jet is the big green jet it's number is  number 2 it's my favourite because it carries the trucks and number 4. Number 4 is a submarine just like the submarines off Stingray the Movie.  On the episode I watched it had all the people on a blue jet and there was a bomb in the motor, so when they land the plane will blow up. When they found out the bomb was in the plane they sent number 2 to drop off the three trucks. By the time they got to the airport the three yellow trucks rolled out of the cage and lined up and one drove up and the plane came down and the back left one moved away because it was a baddy, so the plane went back up and used a different truck . When they completed the mission they took the bomb out . I really liked watching the movies but it is frustrating trying to watch movies at our house with the power issues we have.
By Maleka

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