Friday 27 September 2013

T-Roy and the big boy sanda

7 years a go the the big boy sander went crazy!!! It blew up the end of the big boy sander. T-Roy was going to buy another one then he  realized  he made it he got his shot gun pistol out and shot everything. He asked me to get the tools - it going to be continued in series 2

Candy land

Many years ago there was the most amazing place you could think of,candy candy land there was a beautiful princess ever princess bubble gum.she had long black soft hair as soft as candy floss. Her name was ruby.she always wore a pink sparkly dress with candy on.she had a husband named prince bubble gum (jack bubble gum).one day prince bubble gum was walking through jelly bean park. Then the candy machine stopped working.the candy machine is what keeps the candy from not melting.the next day prince and princess bubble gum went to the witch to get a magic potion to fix the candy machine.the witch gave them the potion straight away.prince bubble gum ran as fast as he could back to candy land he poured it in to the machine but as soon as he poured it in candy land began melting. The witch was a evil witch and gave him the wrong potion. Candy land was never seen  again.

The evil wirl pool

It was the holiday and I was Im was walking in the water with Rory and Dara and suddenly we got suck in a wirl pool but luckly Rory wasn't in the wirl pool so then he got a big stick a held on to Dara and the stick but it was to late the stick broke in half.When I was getting suck in there was a rock that I could stand on but Dara was still holding on so I had jumped off the rock and grabbed onto the sand and then Rory pulled me up on to shore but Dara was still in the water so Rory jumped in and swam to shore but the curr was to strong and the I got the broken stick threw it into the water and it got stuck in the water Rory grabbed on and Dara grabbed the other I pulled both of the stick to shore and Dara and Rory were

Thursday 26 September 2013

The pig

Once there was a pig named supercalerfessulishexpaladoshes .He was at a farm when the farmer
Grabbed him and soled him to a man .When the man was home the pig saw a lab the man was a 
Scientists  .the man strapped him in a brown chair .The scientist  got out a gas bottle 
An a blue  cube and it devolved it made the water turn blue it fizzed .The pig was scared he
Was never going to achieve his dream to be a sheep .Just after that a the scientist 
Added a glittery powder the bottle was now blue and sparkled . The pig saw a black flask
It. Made the water turn black .he gave it to the pig and he turned until a sheep 
Then the world exploded 
Next book out never called space pig

Shadow the lost kitten

Once there was a kitten that was named Shadow . She lived in a house with her mum and daddy cat.
She got lost in the grass then her mum found her, she was scared . But she didn't find her .She was in the deep dark scary forest in a cave . So mother cat went up the hill and  over to the deep dark scary forest .She checked behind the trees, still not there. But then she heard a noise, it sounded like a meow .  She was in a den . I have found her lets go back 


Evil bunny

Once apon a time there lived Aimee and Jordy in a green and purple treehouse because they really liked the treehouse outside there Mums and Dads house. One day Jordy was playing netball then a cute little white bunny hopped on the court. It came to Jordy, Jordy said "are you lost" but the bunny did not answer. So after the netball game was over Jordy took the bunny home. When Jordy got to the treehouse Aimee said "what are you doing with a white cute bunny. Jordy said " I find it at the netball court,it is lost" that night while we were in our beds all warm and cuddly Jordy and Aimee heard a big crash they heard it because the window was open in the house. So they run down the brown ladder and then in the bright yellow house they saw red blood shot eyes staring at them. In 1 second the bunny turned evil evil evil and jumped on there heads like crazy as Jordy and Aimee cuddled together they scramed in horror. Then they run to there dads science lab to make a potion to turn the evil bunny back to good. After they made the yellow potion the bunny had taken the potion he drunk the potion the potion because he thought it was a potion to make him more powerful. The bunny turned cute white and fluffy again they lived happily ever after. 

Dancing like the stars

Finally the day has come the dancing like the stars performance are coachs name is melody I am so nervous  we are on the way to the green room when we got there we got are makeup on the boys were solders and the girls were dolls we were in the front seats because we were first about 15 minutes after it started after we finished I was so raleaved the next performance was really good they did Michael Jackson songs in one
                                                      THE END.                            By

Dancing with the stars

At dancing with the stars on Tuesday the 24th of September we went to the Green Room. We got our make- up on and we got ready to dance. We were first on the stage the man called us up to dance, I was scared because there were 700 people there. All the boys were back stage we ran out when it was our turn. After it was finished 3 more schools were finished a man taught us how to dance.  It was fun.
By  Byron


Dancing with the stars

Last night all the year 5's went to do our performance that Melody taught us. I was a dolly and the boys were soldiers. We got dropped of in the green room and then we got our makeup on. Then we were seated at 6 o'clock. Uh oh me and Hannah say, a guy comes up and starts talking then he says New Brighton Catholic. I was so nervous but when I got on the stage it wasn't as bad as I thought, it was actually quite fun!

Dancing Like The Stars

On Tuesday 24th September, all the year 5 children went to the Aurora Centre to dance like they have been doing for the last 8 weeks. We have had a dancing teaching called Melody. I was very nervous in the car. When we got there, the girls got their makeup done, and the boys got their black stripes on their faces. When the makeup was finished, the other schools started coming in. Then the teaches took some photos of us in a group, the last photo was all of us on a lean. The performance started at 6:00 pm. At about 5:30, we started to take a seat in the place that we were going to dance. The room was huge!Our group was the first performance of the night. Then the host called out our school and we hopped on the stage. The stage was massive!!Then the music started playing and we started the dance. All the boys were back stage, then when the girls finished there dance the boys come running out and the girls sat on the edge of the stage. When the boys finished there bit, the girls ran back on the stage and got in there position. When the dance was over, the audience started clapping and we left the stage. Then the other schools started dancing and we weren't nervous any more.

At the end the host taught all the children a dance, it was cool!The host won the 2006 New Zealand Dancing Like The Stars. When we were leaving, Mum and Dad bought us Chinese from the restaurant called China Kitchen. It was yummy!! I thought it was fun watching the other schools dance because they were all different.

By Hannah


Dancing like the stars

On Tuesday  the 24th September we went to the Aurora Centre and we were doing a dance called Dancing Like Stars. Our group were up first. When we went on the stage it was dark, all the boys were back stage and all the boys when it was there turn came running out from back stage. We were worried because there were so many people watching but it was fun and at the end we all got taught a  new dance by this guy called Aron. It was cool!! By James

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Dancing like the stars

On Tuesday the year 5s had to do a dance and perform it at the Aurora centre we did a doll
Dance. I was scared! 500 people were watching we had red cheeks and black eye liner
with sparkles. We  had to wait 2 hours for the mums and dads then we were the first act on.
There was a Micheal Jackson and a Wales ball room dancing. Emma was the fairy and the boys were soldiers and the girls were dolls.

By Lilah 


Dancing like the stars

Year 5s were chosen for doing dancing with the stars. We had 8 weeks to learn, we say thank you to Melody for teaching us. We went on stage and some of us were very nervous, I wasn't because I've been on stage before. Lots of us looked like dolls and lots of us looked like solders. We had lots of fun.

Emma writing 

Dancing like the stars

On 24th September 2013 the year 5's did dancing like the stars. I felt scared that something bad might happen but when I got a stage I was fine. It was so fun my Mum, Aunty Nick and Laura came to see me dance. My favourite thing was when the guy taught us some dance moves and he said after the show to buy as some ice cream. I got ice cream after the show and McDonalds for dinner. It was an awesome night.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The gold apple

Once upon a time there were to brothers called Poka poka and Nehow. They had a sister Hannah  who was very smart. One day Hannah told Poka poka that In the forest there is a gold apple and if you eat it you live forever. Poka poka went looking for the apple. Not long after Poka poka found the apple but it was to high to get. He went to get a ladder. When he got back to the apple it was gone!!! Poka poka looked everywhere for it but he couldn't find it. Poka poka went to Hannah to tell her what happened. When he got he saw Hannah holding the apple. "I am the one who will eat the apple" Hannah said. "But you said for me to look for it" Poka poka said. "So I could eat it" said Hannah.
"Why don't we share it?" Poka poka said. "Hmm ok" said Hannah. Hannah cut the apple in half and gave one to Poka poka. Poka poka and Hannah ate the apple and lived forever.

The end

Monday 23 September 2013

Maui and the water taniwha

Maui and the water
In New Zealand no one swam in the tanewha's lake.
It would eat people's fish and destroy their boats.
But Maui had an idea!He would ask Tamure the giant 
to battle him.Tamure was afraid but he had to do it.Maui and Tamure trained very hard. 
Two weeks later he went to met face to face with the taniwha.The Taniwha 
Took the first strike but Tamure dodged it.Then Tamure grabbed the taniwha and flipped
him over.And the taniwha swam away and was never seen again.

Friday 20 September 2013

The Blazers Attack

The Blazers attack

The dessert is sandy and really hot. It has no water.  The Blazers were a tribe of floating heads with lots of arms. They float around the village putting into faltes to make more space for thier own of the Blazers couildnot light on fire because it touched water and its flames went out. ite wint to he lava byome and jumped into the boiling hot lava and got malted down and repaired.
By James

How stares came bright

In the land of Tahiti the stars just looked like little dots,yellow little dots. The people were unhappy because they didn't have any lights all they had was stars but the stars weren't bright enough the people couldn't party they couldn't have BBQ,they couldn't do anything at night. they had to go to bed at 4:00pm in the night. the God was thinking of doing something to help them. Then the very next day the God spotted someone praying asking the lord to give them more light. The God thought about it, then he turned the bald stars into bright bright white stars, and he put lights on the streets as well. 
And everyone was happy

The evil peas

The evil peas

At midnight a voodoo doll came to life in pack insave.
The voodoo doll had a green slimy body,with hair black as night that glowed and black and green sit his on its face.When the peas woke up the doll had moved.The doll had cast a spell on 3peas. When ever some one came to the store to buy some. Peas .The person would take home and when the clock struck 12 .The people were dead. Then the peas would go back to packin save. 

Some people say there is no more...........................
Some say there still on the run..........…................
Some say u are the next victim !!!!!!

Zombie Outbreak

        # ZOMBIE OUTBREAK #                                                             
A not very long time a go there was dad called Bob and a son called Frank one day Bob and Frank were watching TV  then!!! as soon as Bob changed channel zombies came into there house and worst of all the channel was Barney and friends.How can this day get any worse then the house a fell down then a giant pile of zombies ran to wards us but lucky a giant building fell on them.Then a giant plane fell on frank wake up wake up it is school time said donna. 



TNT creeper

TNT creeper was walking a long when he saw a squid in the jungle woods it was dark black and it was very fat it was in a pond near some treesTNT creeper hid behind a tree TNT creeper
Leapt  out from his hiding place and shot a bow at the squid bat it was to fast so he put TNT Denny  around the lake and lit it on firg and it blow up the end

Thursday 19 September 2013

The village of snow

A long time ago there was a village of snow all made by a man named Steve .

He just kept on crafting snow blocks . 

Then for once he planted some trees then spawned some villagers . 

There was peace for days  until an army of blaze came and burnt down the hole village.

One day Steve came back he was thrilled he got he's diamond sword out and took down all the blaze later on he rebuilt the hole village ...  : )

The Diamond tree

It was ancient times in magical bushy forest. There were to tourist named Jacob and Isaiah. They found a spacial tree it grew diamonds. They dag it up and took it to their tent. It started growing pieces of paper when they were walking to their tent they found a evil witch that lived in a tree trunk they said we found a diamond but it started growing pieces of paper. They wanted to give it some sort of potion.  So the witch said there is some triple blue berry in spring field village "ok we willpower get them" they replied. So they did they claimed mountains and cut through jungles and even fought dragons with their bare hands. After a wile they got to the village and got all the triple blue berry they could. They carried it all the way back to the witch. The witch said I thought you wouldn't be alive still. So she made the potion they gave it to the tree and e tree gave them diamonds


By Jacob   

Maui And The Fire Taniwha

In New Zealand,
Maui woke up by a splashing sound and went outside to see what the noise was there was nothing their. He looked in the barrels he looked on the roof he looked in the nearby river he looked 
everywhere. He was sort of freaked out but really curious. The next day he heard it again. He went outside but this time he saw a Taniwha not just a Taniwha it was a Fire Taniwha. Maui called his brothers and said " I found a Fire Taniwha and we need to catch it starting Tomorrow". The next day they started on the trap. They weaved through and through. Maui and his brothers worked and worked all week. The next week they set off to the river and tried and tried until they finally caught the fire Taniwha. Maui and his brothers ate the fire Taniwha for dinner and grew stronger with super fire powers.

The Magic Unicorn

Many years ago, there lived a beautiful, Snow White unicorn. The unicorn was magic, she was so powerful she was able to transfer her powers to others. One morning, when the unicorn was eating some leaves in the enchanted forest, she heard some rustling in a nearby bush. Then out came the most ugly thing she's ever seen... a WITCH! The witch had long, black, stringy hair and a wart on her nose. She was wearing a long, stained purple dress. Then she took out a dart and through it at the unicorn, the unicorn almost instantly fell asleep. The witch carried her all the way back to her evil castle. When the unicorn woke up she was trapped in a filfy dungeon. Just then the witch came out with a huge razer-sharp knife. A KNIFE! The witch said" I will cut of your magic horn, and soon I will be so powerful!" Then she filled up a bowl of water and grabbed a pile of grass to give to the unicorn. Then she left. The unicorn was hungry so she ate some of the grass the wicked witch had given her. Outside the evil castle, a little girl was walking through the enchanted forest. She stopped at the dungeon's window and saw the horse staring back at her. The girl sneaked in the dungeon and using her key- shaped necklace, unlocked the door to the dungeon and  set the unicorn free. But just as the girl and the unicorn were leaving, the witch came and chased them down the forest until it came to a river, the girl hopped on the unicorns back and jumped over the river, and the witch jumped but fell in the river. But the river wasn't water, it was lava! In seconds the witch had disappeared into the bubbling lava
The End

The little boy named jake

In a jungle forest there was a twelve year old boy named Jed. He wanted a tree house but. The trees were to small.So he made machine called the stretch 2000 it stretchies things. He used it to stretch the tree. So the tree was big. 3 months later Jake had a tree house and they lived happy ever after

The Evil Peas

The Evil peas

At midnight a voodoo doll came in a 
store she had stitches on  her head she wore dark purple mounted cloths her hair was dark black like night sky her skin glowed green at night like slime oozing out of the wall.She hunted 3 peas in the store. When the peas woke up they found them self face to face with the voodoo doll. Then the doll vanish in mid air then as soon as Thayer know it They are lifted up and taken to a saner and put in a plastic bag and lifted up in to a weird looking vehicle. At midnight the peas killed the people that brought them and ran back to the grousery store but triped on a rock and fell in a gutter and where never seen again 

Some people say they are no more .....

Some people say they are still on the run .....
Some people say you are there next victim!!!!!!!!  

The unicorn

100 years ago in a forest there was a silkie white fur she was in the woods and she fell in a hole 
She looked up and saw a witch with a knife .she jumped in a hole and cut off the horn.She 
Used the power to get out of the hole .meanwhile a girl was walking in the wood and she saw 
The unicorn and ran home to get a ladder .then she help the unicorn out of the hole then
She saw the witch layer she went in and saw the witches potion room she saw the horn 
Next to the witch! The girl sneaked in the room and took the horn and ran back to the unicorn 
She reattached the horn to the unicorn horn just then she saw the which then she-vanished 
The which and gave the girl magic power.

The fire women

In Samoa there lived a women that had fire in her fingers. She lived in a cave with fire everywhere. One day she was throwing fireballs and then she saw a young man called Tango. She caught him and took him away. When they got back to the cave she threw him into the cave and shot him with fireballs. Then she went away to a volcano to get more fire to shot him. Then along came Tapoa Tangos friend and got him out of the cave and went back to the village. When the fire women got back she realised that Tango was gone and then she ran away and was never seen agian. 


I saw a sack of gold  I went near it and I went to grab it and bam the gold guardian peper sprayed me.Then I used my best kung fu. And of course a machine gun gold guy tried to shoot me but he missed and it hit a peace of mettle and it reflected and hit him and I won the gold  I raced.But their was a bear at my door I ran to my swimming pool and a shark in it.I got a chain saw and jumped in his mouth the bear did not no wear he was he cut his way out and killed the bear.

The evil penguin

Once apon a time there lived a evil penguin named eve she lived in a big evil lair in Antarctica one day eve went to Chch to make the land Icey with her magic power ice to kill people with ice in their food then when Chch was Icey the good penguin came to save Chch and the good penguin had powers to turn ice into green grass when the good penguin kept turning ice into green grass then the bad penguin died because Chch  turned to green grass then Chch turned lived happily ever after

Generation of gold

Generation of gold

Once upon atime there was a world of gold and everyone loved gold except Austin powers.

Everyday there was a gold parade and everyone had to go to it Evan Austin powers so one day he had 
Enough so he

Asked the king of gold to shut down all gold things and the king said no! And because you said that 
I'm gonna make you gold man for life!

So now Austin powers is gold man for life and he loves gold and everyone obeys him.

The end.


A long time ago there was a girl named tammy. She lived in a really big house with her mum. One day she told her mum she wanted a doll her mum said ok so she went to the shop to buy her one. Little did she know it was a evil doll. Tammy named it rain. She played with it all day. But at night rain crept out of bed slowly. Then suddenly tammy woke up. She started to look for her she began to look in front of the mirror. She was saying rain,rain,rain. If you say rain three times in the mirror rain will come into you room and kill you. Some people say she's alive some people sat she's not no one knows

The Water Woman


The Water Women lives in in Samoa ina dark windey cave . One day Maui got the water out of her hand . But Maui triked her and put the water in the ground . She was a greedy she wouldn't give the water to anyone except Maui. One by one the water women gave the water to Maui the water but he put the water in the ground. Then it started to flow.Then there was water for everyone.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Good bye tree!!!

In the domain at school some workers were cutting down our big tree!!!!
When they cut down a branch they put it in a wood chipper to turn the wood in to dust.
A guy was on the tree and was attached to a strap on the tree so he would not fall.
One time a guy almost got his hand stuck in the wood chipper!!!

Tree Cutting

                                       Tree cutting!!!!

In the Domain at our school there are Woodcutters chopping down the big tree.When we were young we used to call that special tree Uncle Steve.He was very kind and was there when we needed him most.At the moment his branches are falling down,I couldn't watch much longer,it was too sad to watch.Well we don't really pay much attention to Uncle Steve any more anyway but he is still a part of our life,well was a part of our life!!!

This is all we have left of Uncle Steve 

By Paris and Hannah