Thursday 30 October 2014

Lily in wonderland

"Bored! Bored! Bored! I can't believe my parents sent me to Canada to study English! I don't know anything about English and there is nothing to do,"Lily complained. She sat in the park at the edge of the forest looking up as the clouds passed by. Then she looked into the forest . Her teacher had warned her to stay in the park but she was curious so she walked through the trees. After a short while she found a secret tunnel Lily thought a bit but she was bored and forgot what her teacher said and walked into the tunnel.... she walked into the tunnel without a sound she saw a chubby, fluffy bunny that hopped around in circles,  Lily went closer and closer she heard a thud, the bunny had slipped into a deep dark ditch, Lily went to the very edge of the ditch, dirt tumbled down Lily slipped and fell down, down, down then splash she landed into a pond. Lily found a nice big tree to have a nap under she fell asleep easily she woke up about 1/2  hour later. Lily looked around then all of a sudden she felt something crawling up her leg, she was too scared to look down but she had too there was a ...... please buy now, Lily got distracted from this noise in the distance she forgot all about the thing on her leg it was a Caterpillar by the way. Back to the story she listened and followed the sound she was lead to a big humongous castle. The sound was so loud her eardrums nearly popped. At the entrance to the castle there were to slimy gooey looking things I tried to guess what they were i just couldn't get it. Then this lady came out in such a posh dress i couldn't even look at her. She said to me what are you doing here she said that they will put her into a spaceship and send her back to where ever she lived. So unfortunately that was the end of her adventure she hopped into the spaceship and flew back to Canada.  

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