Thursday 2 July 2015

Dancing like the stars!

On April the first year 5's and 6's went to Isace theater royal to show there dancing to everyone.
For six weeks of training we finally made it there! 

On the way to Isace theater royal I was feeling very neves, I felt my stomach turning.
We finally got there I felt better and more confedent!

We took our sit and the perforce's where under way.

The first act went past,then the 2nd,3rd when each act went past I felt better and better.
Finally the last act went past now it was out turn to preform!

I was waking up to the stage feeling 99% better each step went bye,getting ready to take our performance.

At last we got to our places,the music stated,I started to walk...I saw the three story high sets fallen with people! Seeing all those people made me drop my confidence 98 97 96 each step my confidence 
Went down.

We got to our places,starting our dance while the dance contendude, my confedance went up and up.

The dance was done we took our bow and stepped off the stage and took our sit.
We finally done it, sitting in my sit I saw the other group go on! we where done!

The End 

By Laura 


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