Friday 24 July 2015


On the 1st  Saturday of the holidays I went to tekapo with my dad, step mum, step brother, half sister and sister.At first we went to Roundhill at the start of Tekapo.At Roundhill I went on the toboggan we hired with no breaks and  I kept on going,fell off and bumped my butt on a piece of ice that was as hard as a rock!It was very painful! After we went to the hot pools. It was my half sisters first time in the tekapo hot pools. When we had finished I went tubeing. When I went tuebing some of the tubes had foam at the bottom of them ... But mine didn't!! I was as tired as a sloth at the end of the day, tired, slow , sleepy thats only 3! It was a fun butt sore day!


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