Thursday 23 July 2015

Best trip to Aussie

On friday the last day of school I went to Australia with everyone on my Dads side of the family,thats 20 of us!We went there to celebrate Nana and Grandads 50th aniversery.
We went to Airlie Beach in Queensland and as soon as we got there we jumped in the pool we all swam for 2 hours.
then we got on a ship and went to Hamilton Island for the day.
we went on a bus to get to the zoo at the zoo I saw a bird called freddy I said to him hello freddy and he  said goodbye Freddy.
Then we saw the koalas,they smelled really bad  but they were funny,cute and cuddly.
after that we went to see the wallaby's so Dad wet to get food so Jaimie and I could feed them.We got to feed Annabell the wallaby she was so sweet and her fur was as soft as candy floss.
Then we went to the pool it was cold like an iceburg!
I swam across the pool and found a bar but the drinks were to expensive so i couldn't buy one.
At 4.00pm we left the island.While we were on the boat i saw a ship carrying palm trees to White Haven  Island for the movie pirates of the caribbean.
I had a fantastic time there I hope we can go next year it was a great time for the family.
bye Hayley 

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