Tuesday 28 July 2015

The exciting trip to Hanmer Springs

On the last week of the school Holiday's Dad and I went to hanmer. When we got to hanmer it was 5'Ocloke so we decided not to unpack but to go straight to the pool. By the time we got the pool it started to get dark. We where jumping pool to pool and finally he lazy river the lights in the pool where like the blue northern lights reaching across the sky!When we where done jumping pool to pool we got changed and went to a restaurant where we ordered  pasta and a hamburger. The had the pasta and Dad  had the hamburger. When our food arrived we got stuck in. It was delicious,mushrooms,bacon and sauce...Delicious! I seriously needed a drink so i orded lemonade. When we finished we went straight to the caben and watched the rugby. At 9:30 i went to sleep i fell straight asleep i sleepped like there was no tommorw in the morning when i woke up we first went to golf i helped my Dad with the scoring. At the end of golf we had to go find Mum and the rest of the family because we tried to call them but Dads phone died...So we went or a walk.When we saw Mum we took Them back to the cabin. As the hours went past Mum and Dad finaly decided to book a privet pool and go at night. When night came ( to be exact 6:45) We jumped in the car... It was only a 1 minute drive. When we got there we went to the counter we payed and started walking to the privet pool's.The cold heavy rain was pounding on my face like a shower of snow. We walked though the rain to the pool...We got in the privet pool and got in the pool it was so hot i jumped back out. Finally a got in the pool it took a minute to get used to temperature. Mun,Dad,Sam and Will decided to not stay in there because it was to hot for Will so we skipped that. And then Sam felt sick so Dad took Sam and Will to the cabin so it was just Mum and i. When Mum and I where done with the pools we went back to the cabin to sleep. In the morning we got packed and headed home. I was wanting to stay longer but no i couldn't.

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