Tuesday 29 July 2014

The big day

I woke up Saturday  morning and juped out of bed felling exited the day had finally .come I hoped in the car and of we went . Dad put DVD players on the bake of our sets so we could watch a move . After the move YAY we where there I crawled out of the car.( we where staying in a motel.) we hoped out of the car . And got ready for the wedding .oh did I mention I was going to my cousins wedding .   But only for the ceremony . when we got to the wedding .it was all decorated there was a brig ,swans in a  lake , and a fontin . It was very pretty .then the ceremony sated. Laur my cousin came in a long whit dress and cow girl boots. (Groovy) after the ceremony .i went bake with some of my cousins they were going to baby sit me for the night .we stayed up till 10:40 it was amazing .In the morning I had pancakes for breakfast and hopped bake in the car and of we went .      

The end
By Annie 

The super sleepover

On the last weekend of the holidays I went for a sleepover at Miryn's house.
When I got there I put my bags in Miryn's room then we dashed up stairs and Miryn's got the DVD player so we could watch a movie called Rocket man.
After that we went back up stairs to eat dinner.
After dinner we watched another movie called the goodies it was a really funny movie.
Then we played on my iPod and went to sleep.
In the morning we got dressed then had breakfast.
After breakfast we hoped in the car to go to clip n climb.
It took a very long time to get there. 
Finnally we got there when we went inside it was busy but Miryn  and I didn't mind.
First Miryn and I had a race to the top Miryn won though. 
Then I went in the dark tunnel it was dark and also hard to get to the top but I made it.
Then it was time to go I had a wonderful time there. 

By Hayley 

Ice cold challenge

In the holiday on Sunday at 8pm.My dad did the ice challenge with his cousins Selena. My dad went first. It was really funny because my mum poured it on really slowly. The second bucket was not poured on slowly because my dad wanted it to be poured on fast. The last thing bucket was a big bucket because it was the one dad's feet was in. Then it was my cousins turn. That one was pretty funny ,mum poured the first bucket and I poured the second bucket and then Corbin poured the last bucket.They were running as fast as the could run. I was laughing like mad.THE END

Monday 28 July 2014

The brilliant trip to hammer springs

Last Friday the 19 of July I went to hammer springs. I was at my Mum's so dad had to pick me up. I did not know that dad was taking me on holiday. I got in the car and he told me. I was so excited to go. We went on holiday because the news said it was snow and it did on the mountains. We started to drive we stopped at the spoon cafe I got a hot chocolate dad got a cappuccino. We both got a satay roll and we shared a bacon mushroom and egg pie. Then we kept going. We got to the turn off and we went across the bridge. Then we went up to the camping ground.We were staying in number three we were right next to the park.It was small in the room there were a  little stove a medium pantry a .littel fridge first we watched TV for half an hour at 1:30 we were going to go swimming I wanted to but dad didn't.He said we would go two times tomorrow so we went out for dinner at the pub.We two meals each one of myn was a steakellie kebab there were three kebabs on the plate.It was a brilliant holiday

Friday 25 July 2014

Thunderbirds are go!

The Genius Thunderbirds.

😄In the holidays I watched the thunderbirds my favourite jet is the big green jet it's number is  number 2 it's my favourite because it carries the trucks and number 4. Number 4 is a submarine just like the submarines off Stingray the Movie.  On the episode I watched it had all the people on a blue jet and there was a bomb in the motor, so when they land the plane will blow up. When they found out the bomb was in the plane they sent number 2 to drop off the three trucks. By the time they got to the airport the three yellow trucks rolled out of the cage and lined up and one drove up and the plane came down and the back left one moved away because it was a baddy, so the plane went back up and used a different truck . When they completed the mission they took the bomb out . I really liked watching the movies but it is frustrating trying to watch movies at our house with the power issues we have.
By Maleka

Crash bang

We were all doing nothing until mum said let's go to Thompson park. I said "can Chloe come". Go and check mum said "ok"I said. After a while we all got into the car . Half way there a green car came out and rammed into the side of our car where we get into the car. Now we can only open the front of our car.I was really scared and shakey. We all drove down to the police and mum had to write down a big sheet then the person that hit our car came in .He gave us a sheet with his name on it ,Then he left mum was still writing .After we all got some subway After that we drove down to the place were you get your car fixed. Next month we're getting our car fixed. We still did not go to Thompson park.
                                                    The end

Thursday 24 July 2014

Worlds best cinema

In the holidays I went to watch Dawn of the Planet Apes with my mum , dad and my brother. It was three hours long. At the start we saw some ads about other movies.  When the movie started Caesar's army were fighting for peace. There were about two million apes they were muscly and huge, fat and unbreakable.It was fun to go to the movies with my family It was rated m and there were sexual scenes and offensive language . It was fun to  watch the Dawn of the Planet Apes. The end.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

The day of the icy ice challenge

On Saturday my friend Maddi called me and she had nominated me for the ice challenge. 
The day before mum showed me some on Facebook but I knew that Maddi would nominate me.
I was a little scared but exicted too.
On Sunday it was the day of my ice challenge. I got up out of bed and felt really nervous and happy to. 
Maddi called about 4 hours late she came down to my house with her brother and sister.
Caleb,Maddis brother nominated my brother Tom. 
Dad filled up the buckets I felt one and I was shivering like ice in the ocean. I went first, when the bucket tipped on me I felt cold. Oh no there are 2 more buckets left. When the third bucket tipped on me I ran into the shower nearly slipped over.
The shower was so warm that I forgot that Maddi was still here.
I jumped out like a bunny. 
The best thing about my ice challenge was that we were fundraising for cancer and I was fun to.
The end