Friday 31 October 2014

Eric and the Techno world

He walked through the secret tunnel and he ended up in a different world. 
The world had technology ipod ipad iphone iwatch icar  and a imotorbike and Eric played animal jam and he is a member for 8 years. Then he flew home.

Thursday 30 October 2014

The cave

I was walking in the park I slip and fell into a cave and in that there was a suit case full of nuceler weapons then some odd looking people come and point gun at me surrender and they took me as prisoner as I walked to the cell I could see hundred upon thousand men I realised it was a gas chamber gas came down so I found out I had bomb from that suit case so I blow the cell door down and run out there are no guards here but the city is on FIRE the made me fall asleep suddenly a swat team came in and rescued me and all in the week people were disappearing so we moved to country

Eric's adventure

Bored bored bored I can't believe my parents sent me to Canada to studdy English I don't know any one and there is nothing to do Eric complained. He sat in the park at the edge of the forest looking up as the clouds passed by. Then he looked into the forest his teacher warned him to stay in the park but he was curious so he walked through the trees after a short while he found a secret tunnel...Eric walked through the tunnel he saw pink smoke coming out of a chimney it looked like candy floss almost. Eric wanted to see what it was so he keeped walking till he found a sugruy ginger bread house but it wasn't the normal kind it was a giant one with surbert icing he was curios to see inside. Ericwent inside to find something so disappointing there inside was an old lady reading an book he was disappointed he dicied to leave but just as he touched the door nob the old lady wasn't an old lady anymore she was a terrafing witch with thick warts green skin a pointy nose and sharp claws he was so terrified. After a while the witch said you may leave Eric was so shocked so he stepped out the door to find himself falling down an thin well. A while later he found himself in an icey blue eglo it was very cold especialy since he was wearing a sninglet an a pair of shorts. Eric decided to try an find his way back but it was inpossible there where so many bilzards it wasn't real but then he realised he was in a story that he was writing about he also realised there was a portal but he didn't finish writing about it will it work? Eric went out hunting for the portal. After 6 hrs he found it so he jumped in it and it work he was back from his adventure and he hopes it won't happen again the end by saskia.

Lily in wonderland

"Bored! Bored! Bored! I can't believe my parents sent me to Canada to study English! I don't know anything about English and there is nothing to do,"Lily complained. She sat in the park at the edge of the forest looking up as the clouds passed by. Then she looked into the forest . Her teacher had warned her to stay in the park but she was curious so she walked through the trees. After a short while she found a secret tunnel Lily thought a bit but she was bored and forgot what her teacher said and walked into the tunnel.... she walked into the tunnel without a sound she saw a chubby, fluffy bunny that hopped around in circles,  Lily went closer and closer she heard a thud, the bunny had slipped into a deep dark ditch, Lily went to the very edge of the ditch, dirt tumbled down Lily slipped and fell down, down, down then splash she landed into a pond. Lily found a nice big tree to have a nap under she fell asleep easily she woke up about 1/2  hour later. Lily looked around then all of a sudden she felt something crawling up her leg, she was too scared to look down but she had too there was a ...... please buy now, Lily got distracted from this noise in the distance she forgot all about the thing on her leg it was a Caterpillar by the way. Back to the story she listened and followed the sound she was lead to a big humongous castle. The sound was so loud her eardrums nearly popped. At the entrance to the castle there were to slimy gooey looking things I tried to guess what they were i just couldn't get it. Then this lady came out in such a posh dress i couldn't even look at her. She said to me what are you doing here she said that they will put her into a spaceship and send her back to where ever she lived. So unfortunately that was the end of her adventure she hopped into the spaceship and flew back to Canada.  

The magic powers

Bored! Bored! Bored! I can't believe my parents sent me to Canada to study English I don't know anyone and there is nothing to do.  Albert Einstein complained.  He sat in the park at the edge of the forest looking up as the clouds passed by.  Then he looked into the forest.  His teacher warned him to stay in the park but he was curious so he walked through the trees.  After a short while he found a secret tunnel,  Albert Einstein loved going on adventures so he went into the dark dull tunnel.  It looked so creepy and it  went on forever.  There were hundreds of bats, but now that he had gone in he could not stop so he went on.  Out of the distance he saw a fewd of red pandas.he didn't know what to do ,but then he remberd he had powers.  He jumped up onto the roof instantly and the red pandas ran straight past. He kept running across the roof until he came to a river how will he ever get across? Dun dun dun.  

                                                      The end.

The tunnel in the forest

She went inside the tunnel. At the end. there were jelly bean bushes and lollypops trees. In the sky there are candy floss clouds, rain bow, pops grass, m&m path, mint lolly moon and salty lolly sun.  Erica said this is yummy there are  m&m path and lolly pops trees and candy floss clouds also rain bow pops  grass ad  jelly bean bushes.  Then she found  a  jelly castle that was 100 feet tall  with a guard  called ... wonder woman. Wonder woman said   what are you  doing here young lady? 
I just wanted your see the castle a 100 feet tall.
Well then go inside  then. 
Thank you  said erica. 
Wonder woman  said   "do not eat the jelly castle. because if you do you  well die for ever and ever. 
I won't said Erica 
the end. by jessica breen.

The tunnel in the forest

The tunnel had a pireat ship in it.On the front deck as a treasure chest.Eric claimed on the cercrit ship concerned of what could of happened...congradalashons aid a person I see you certainly found the cercrit has been here for centuries now the person said. What's your name? "Eric" said suspicious Eric how are you said Eric creeping into the shadows... My..... My name is cryistil,cryistil Margaret and I am 10 years old. Where is your mum and dad?they got killed! Oh I'm so sorry cryistil said Eric are allown? Yes I am always allown said cryistil. You are young so you can come to my school  and my mum can adopt you. That would be GREAT said cryistil. But would she no me "no" said Eric but my butafull mum will adoupt you ofcorss. Oh ok said you want to look  round the ship said cryistil ofcorss Eric said (they opened the door) sunndonly strip callaton showed up. Don't worry that was always there said cryistil. I better go back to school they will be wondering where I am... Come on cryistil you can come to school. Thanks said cryistil.... What about the adouptshon... Don't worry I will fever something out.

                                                the end,by Laura.

Eric and the scarey cat

He found a treasure in the hole it was dark in the hole.  He had a light in his hand to go in the hole. suddenly a cat came and landed was  scared the cat jumped on him. The cat and the treasure was moving. it was really dark.    by Emilia 

All black mania

In the tunnel was ma a nonu the all black and hurricane what's up says ?ma a nonu not much I say what are you doing here? I ask trying to find my rugby ball says ma a nonu but I found it so I have to find Julian because we're late for the game Canada vs all blacks and I can't find him so you will have to       take his place awesome I say when is it now!  he says and a limo pulles up right next to us hop in says Richie mcaw who's this he says ? I don't know says ma a nonu but he is gonna play for us do you know how to play ? says Richie  nope I say who cares says ma a nonu get in says Richie we arrive at the stadium and everyone is cheering

The tunnel in the forest

The tunnel had cobwebs hanging from the roof and little glowing lights too.
Eric crawled through as he was crawling through there were lots of dead bugs.
Then suddently Eric bumped into this big tree there was a Door on it so he opened it and went in.     
He saw this wonderful place with a river with blossom trees it was the best thing he had ever seen.
Then he looked to his left he saw dead bushes and a big fiery castle it looked horrible it was as red as blood and had little black dots on it.
At first he was afraid to go up to the castle but then he toughened up and walked towards it.
He knocked on the 50 foot tall door then a voice bellowed out who's there then Eric looked up right there was a 43foot tall giant!!
Eric ran and the giant followed him he ran towards the door he just made it through the giant followed him then a massive rock fell on his head he cried out NOOOO!!!!!!!!
The giant disappeared  never to be seen again.
Eric ran back  to the park and just then his teacher showed up and they went back to studying and lived happily ever after. The End.

By Hayley

Thursday 16 October 2014

Me,diane ad a bunch of boys went to the movies to watch the Maze runner.The movie was really GREAT! It was about man-eating grievers and people stuck in a place with walls all around so they can't get out.The on way to get out is the maze!But there are scary things and for 3 years they haven't found a way out!But that was about to change. I loved the movie, i would recommend it for people over eight.It is 'm'so watch out for the gross stuff!

                                                                by Laura