Thursday 27 February 2014

The cool petshop

In the weekend on Sunday. I went to the petstore with my mum.Their was a kitten place and a puppy place.and all sorts of animals.I really liked the kittens but I didn't  have enough  money and I really liked the puppy's but I didn't have enough money.
 I went home and I cried for a little while but then I had a idea  it was that I could do chores.
To get more pocket money. 
I asked  my mum I was scared but she said yes!!!
 I said yay!!!!!!.
Then I maid my bed and tidied up my room and then I did the dish-washer and mum gave me some money. 
But I only got $20.00  the next day I had enough money then I went to the pet store and I got a puppy and a kitten.
The end.         By Chloe

Holiday to Island

In the holiday on Tuesday 2009 29th I went to a small Island with my mum and dad on a plane. When we got there  I saw Hayley and her mum and dad. Both of our mums brought chips for us to eat then ice cream. After eating me and Hayley's dads took us for a ride around on the bout on the sea when we came back we had a fun funny cool awsome party at a island beach after party me Hayley and her dad mum and my dad and mum felt sleepy. When I woke up I saw chole playing in the sea then I got up and woke up Hayley and said to Hayley Chloe's here. Then  we started playing with Chloe. We played sand ball. Water throw. That was so funny. By maila.

Island holiday

On the school holidays mum,dad and I found a mystery island. 
So we went to explore it when we got there there was a little bush.
When we went inside we saw lots of birds like parrots,fantails,blackbirds and more.
Then at the end of the bush we saw a beach on the beach was Malia and her family.!!!.
I  said hi to Malia  she said that she brang a friend that was Chloe.
We played on the island all day but then it was time to go.

            By        Hayley

2 birthdays in a day

On Saturday the 22th I went to Chole and Laura's party Chole had a pool party and Laura had a party at her house .When we got to the pool for choles party we hoped strat in the pool. The first thing I did was a roley poley  and a hand stan Chole got a bord  and Jisseca  did the worm . Then  we had some party food . It was delishis I went on the hydray slide it was fun. After we went strat to Laura's party when we got there Laura and her guests were in her room. Then when I got in they said lest go on go to  the slip n slide  so we  got dressed and went to the slip n slide after we had some food and went home. I liked going too to party's  in a day because I got a lot of lollys.


Walt we are learning about habits of mind.

Friday 21 February 2014

Manage your impulsivity

Light  bulb means tarn on your brain TBYA

Manage your impulsiviyn

Light bulb   Means  think  before. You  act 

Manage your impulsivity

I did light bulbs because it means you get a bright idea, thinking.

the adventure of orana wild life park

                     the adventure of orana wild life park 

The bus was late, the senior school was horrified, but then the bus came around the corner and the senior school smiled and sang alleluia dance tonight, ah ah dance tonight. Well at least some of them. So we hopped  on the bus and went to Orana wild life park. When we got there we had something to eat when we were finished Carol introduced us to Toby. We went straight to the gibbons . They started to sing a song. They were so funny. There was a small baby he was so cute. The dads name was Oscar he went through a sad time when he was young. He lost his mum beacuse she fell from a tree when they were cuting down trees for space for palm trees, for palm oil. 

Manage your Impulsivity

Light bulb means turn on you Bain .                       Tbya  means think before you act .    The brain means think.

Manage impulsivity

We are learning to manage  our Impulsivity 
My page has light bulb on it.The light bolbs mean think before we act there are other things like tbya

Think before you act

This is my poster. Is For managing your  
                                                                                     impulsivity Tbya means think before you act. 

Manage Your Impulsivity

Manage impulsivity

TBYA  stand's think before you act 
Put a light bulb in my head to think
Think before you act because you do not what's coming on the road and at home

Manage your inpulsivity

We are learning to manage our impulsivity
In my picture the  tbya means think before you act.

Friday 7 February 2014


On Wednesday  it was Mr Gray birthday room 3-1 went to Oriana park (to learn about all the different animals ) . First we got into the bus when we got out the sky was gray as a rhino .  Then Tobey came . The first animal animal we saw was the Gibbons names was Oscer he was in the rubbish truck for so many years Now he lives in the zoo with all the other gibbons he changed very fast . The song thay sang was very loud but it was awesome. The second endangered animal    was the giraffes thay wrap there toughs around the leaves the next animal we saw was the meerkats were really cute scampering around  in it's habitats there was a tunnel and logs . after that we saw the rhinos one was kissing the wall. Thay kill rhino for there horn to make the bottom of the soared and Medicine then we had lunch and put our bag in the class room then we left .The farm yard Tobey could not get the lamar out of its pen so we had to go in to the sheep and the cows pen then he got it out . the next animal was the spider monkeys .then it was the lion  the men had no mane.It as so fun.


On Wednesday the 5th the Year 4,5,6,7,and 8 children went to Orana Park. After the roll we lined up in our classrooms to go on the bus. When our classroom got on the bus we went whoosh and were off to Orana Park. It was about 25-30 minutes long. Finally we got there, Yay! WHen we got off the bus we sat down and had a little snack. Then we went through the gates and sat on the deck. After we got in our groups, year 4,5 , got Toby, he sounded like like a great zookeeper teacher. WHen we got finished our finished our food we went for a little walk to see the SIamang Gibbons. When we got there Toby talked about the Gibbons. One was named Oscar. When he was a little gibbon his mum died and he got taken away. Guess where he got taken to… a pet-shop! Then he got sold to a rubbish man. Guess how long he lived in a rubbish truck for… 6 Years! Then Oscar got sold to Orana Park. Now he has a wife and 3 children. It was an amazing story. When we left I felt like going back!
By Lily 

Orana park

On Wednesday we went to orana park . We lernt a lot . First we saw the monkey the monkey can sing really we saw the giraffe we got to Feed them .then we saw the rino the horns are amazing .
Then we had we saw the sheep and cow the sheep where nice and fluffy then we saw the lamer it was dusty and we got to feed it.we got to see the spider monkey it was really cool.we saw the lion the boys where the bigger then the girls then we went back on the bus it was really fun but I wanted to see King Kong. 

By maleka

The fun day at school

The fun day at school  
 On Wednesday 2014  year 4 and up went to Oriana park the persons name was Toby the first animal we saw was gibbons they are like a spider monkeys arms they are pretty much the same people cut down trees just to put dumb palm  trees in and they don't just kill gibbons they also baby birds its mean and sad right they can plant  them somewhere else. The next animal we saw was a giraffes Toby let us feed them I fed the one that was jumpy well they where all jumpy we leaned that that really really mean people kill giraffes just for there tails and they leave the rest of the animal same with rhinos but that's the next animal. so we saw the rhinos we learn people kill rhinos for their horns. Don't worry no more killing farm animals after lunch so we had lunch.At the farm house we saw Lima's lames chickens rosters horses cows sheep  some other animal we fed the Lima well i didn't and then we saw lions tigers the end   
 By Ellie
RHINOS.               On  Wednesday half of the school went to orana park. When we got into orana  park we went to heaps of animals... BUT the rhinos  were in my top five of anamais that i like . half of the school went  because we all wanted to aoding the teachers. now back to the rhinos ... it was crasy because people chop off there horns because people said that it  cyord headuyk    BUT it was a lie. i falt so
 sorry about people doing that to  rhino. so i say don't  by anything with rhinos horns  in it . by  laura. 

oscar the lost gibbon

The adventure  at Orana  park was  so   cool.  half  of  the  school  went  on  the  bus.  After  we  got  of  the bus. After we got of the bus we sat infront of the bus and eat our lunch but we had to move onto the deck and the first animal was the giraffes and the trip was so cool I was so tired when I got home.  

By Kendra

The Gibbon's song

On wenday room 3 went to Orana park we saw a gibbons and they sang a song the day was and black the gibbons sang a love song and it  was very loud the trees are getting choped down and the gibbons don't have any food.

                                                The  AMAZING  trip  to  Oriana  park
on Wednesday the 5th room 1,2,3 went to Oriana park Toby was our school zoo teacher. First we went to see the Monkeys did you no Monkeys only stay on top of the trees .Next we went to see the Meer cat did you no the teenager looks after the meercat then we saw the giraffe we got to feed them did you no in the wild there are too boys and one girl the grath with the longest neck wins them we saw the rhino did you no that rhino have as soft as skin as us next we went for lunch after lunch we went to see farm animals we got to feed the lamer an see the sheep and cow did you no lamer have really soft lips next we saw the lion did you no that when they gave them  the shoot to not have baby the male got bigger . then we got bake on the bus it was a amazing and fun day
                  by Annie.      

The giraffes

On Wednesday 5th February room 3-1 went to Orana park.

When we got there we went over to the giraffes.
I heard that people kill giraffes just to get there tails!.
And I also heard that there necks are used for fighting with other mails they swish there long neck and bang it.
The giraffe who has the longest neck wins and gets the women and becomes a father we had an awsome time there it was fun. by Hayley.

Tiger Park

                                                                   tiger park

I raced into school to when Jacob gave me GOLDEN pin and a name tag.When I got into class Mr Gray told us that we are representing our school and our class.Then the bus came when we got on the bus Jacob told me to sit in the back so we did.When we were nearly there a giant bump hit the bus and we shut our it felt like I was flying when we got there we had morning tea i had crackers.Then we went to see the gibbons and they sang a love song after that we feed the giraffes they were really strong then we went and had lunch by the lake i saw two baby chicks.Then we saw tiger and I love tigers after that we saw lions they scared me and they had to get this thing were they can't breed.Then we saw the mere cats.
Bye Jamie

The endangered species of Oriana park

On the 5th of February 2014 it was a very dark day room3 went to Oriana park to learn about animals.
The first type of animals we looked at was endangered species, first we looked at the Gibbons. One of the Gibbons was called Oscar. He use to live with his mum in a tree in the wild until some one cut down the tree and killed his mum and sold him to a pet shop. Then a truck driver bought him and there he stayed chained up in the back of the truck for six years until Oriana park bought him. They chopped down all the trees because they need to plant more Palm trees for Palm oil. We also saw the Rhino's, did you know that Rhino's skin is as soft as ours and people kill them just for their horns and leave the rest of the Rhino laying there. Then turn the horn in to medicine that doesn't work. 
P.S  Please do not eat anything with palm oil in it or Rhino horn in it. I am very sad about what I have learn but I still had an amazing trip.
Bye Miryn

The farm animals

On Wednesday the 5th .room 3 2 and room 1 went to Orana  park to learn about animals when we got  there we had morning tea.then we went to the Gibons they sung a song and  we saw Graffs. We also talked about farm animals that's the topic I'm going to be talking about today when we got to the  farm yard  I went to look at the sheep's and the cows The sheep's fur was like fluffy snow and the cows fur was kind of hard and soft at the same time. Then I went to look at the rabbit It was as wide as trash can the colour was ginger and blond I like those colours . After I saw a talking parrot  that said hello it was funny Then  Toby the person who was teaching us brought out a llamer . We got to feed it and pat it the llamer . We gave it speshil plaits  what you had to do was pretty easy you have to put your hand out flat with the palit on your hand then it comes round it picks it the palit up with its lips . It tickles a lot Then we looked at the keas there really cheacky Then we sat down and tallked about  what we did . Finally we had to go back to school I liked feeding the garaffis . By saskia

Orana park

On Wednesday I went to Orana park with my class. My favourite part was when I fed the llama it was cool. I saw lots of animals at Orana park. We saw more animals I hope we go there next week another time it was raining there.

Amazing animals

On Wednesday room 3 2and  1 went to arana park. It was a raining day there. I saw spider monkeys when we were eating lunch. There were a mother, father, a boy and a baby. The baby spider monkey was so cute. The best part was when the spider monkeys were singing. Spider monkeys have 30cm or 30 mt long arms. They have short legs. It was so amazing And it was Mr Grays birthday. Room 3 1 2 sang happy birthday to Mr Gray. That was the best day ever. By Malia

Monday 3 February 2014

ASB Get Wise

Today Michelle from get wise came to are school she talked about money . We played three games, one was a time travelling game. She played as three different people one was a cave man who tried to trade people for mammoth tusks then the second person was a pirate, he had silver gold and jewels. He tried to pick it up but it was to heavy too pick up he tried three more times but it still did not work. The third person  was a princess,  she had a lot of money. She had nowhere to put it she tried to put it in some places but it did
 not work  . One Place  was her chowawas bag  but it dirtied her money has a doggy litter. The second one was a tree she thought  there were money trees  but there were no money trees so the money blowed away. The second  game was  a game where you have to make a pyramid  with cups my team did not win but the first team did and the theerd game was when she  three people  to volunteer, one was Mirynn the second one was Rubin and the there'd one was Katie  Rubin went to a shop he brought a scooter from that shop he had no money left  katie went to a shop to  she also buyed a scoter she had 20 dollers left maryn got a scoter  alswell she got 60 dollers left after that she said she had to go the end.
by Saskia