Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Monday, 14 December 2015
Friday, 11 December 2015
Sharing food
I don't agree that you should share food.
You shouldn't share food because it could do something to you. It could hurt you or you could choke. You could be allergic to it and they might not tell you whats in it.
Your Mum spent time making your lunch. You shouldn't share food because your Mum buys food for you. If you share food your mum will just make it for some one elsa.
your friend cold argue. your friends could argue because they're not getting it. when you argue the teacher could tell you of.
I think you shouldn't share food because you could choke,your mum makes it for you,and you could argue.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
children should not wear school uniforms
children should not wear school uniform.It is unfair because the teachers get to wear what ever they want and the children don't.It is also unfair because when the girls play their dresses get in the way.When the girls play their dresses get caught in plants and stuff like that. How come the teachers get to wear what they want!The dresses get in the way.Teachers get to wear what they want it is just unfair oh and how com they get to have their hair out!They get to be completly free and we have to be closed up in tight dresses that get in the way.We also have to have our hair in a pony-tail that streaches our scalp because we have to have our hair up.It is really unfair.Why cant we do what we want.I really don't like being controlled.Girls should not wear school uniforms because it is unfair i hope you listen to my argument.
by willow
We should use use white boards instead of books
I agree that we should be able to use white boards instead of books because they are easier to rub out when you make a mistake and white board pens are not permanent.
And you can see the letters better because the pen you use for a white board is bigger and bolder.
so thats why we should use white boards instead of books because it is easier to correct mistakes and the writing is easier to read because the white board pen is big and bald.
but the bad thing is that you cant fill up white board pens
from jess
And you can see the letters better because the pen you use for a white board is bigger and bolder.
so thats why we should use white boards instead of books because it is easier to correct mistakes and the writing is easier to read because the white board pen is big and bald.
but the bad thing is that you cant fill up white board pens
from jess
I think you should be allowed to change class for every different subject.
1.You could get bored of your class.
2.You have to be in the same class for two years
3.You also get to choose which subjects you want to study.
4.You could get sick of your teacher.
5.It would get us ready for high school by keep changing classes
6.You can also see new people and make new friends.
7.You should change class so that you get more time to study on the subject you are studying.
8.You get to go to more classes for more subjects.
I think that we should be able to change class because the you don't have to stay in class with the same teacher for two years.
so there you go! I think you should change class for different subjects!!!!!
Children should wear school uniforms
Children need to wear school uniforms
If you're class room goes on a trip you could get lost ,Then you're parents will be worried and you will be in trouble then your school will also get in trouble. you could also go in a area were you are not allowed to go then you will be in even more trouble.
If you don't wear school uniforms then you will not know what to wear and you will be late. People might also judge you on what you wear so if you wear a blue top and black pants people might say mean things.
All you're clothes might be dirty then your parents could get angry that you have no clothes to wear after school or if you go to a party if you have to wear dirty clothes your parents will not want to take you out to parties and they will not let you have friends over.
All children must wear school uniforms.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Children should wear school uniform
If you don't wear your school uniform and something happens you might get lost on a trip, and the school might leave you somewhere because they might think you are not a our school.
You should wear your school uniform because it's not a waste of money and it it really good to wear it so you could represent the school.
Your parents might not agree with the children wearing school uniform because of there money they spend and maybe your parents will not want it because the school uniform is made for the school not from a free clothes school.
If you don't wear your school uniform something will happen.
You should wear your school uniform.
Your parent might not agree with the children wearing school uniform.
Children should not wear school uniform.
No More Hunting
Hearing people say they are going out hunting makes me feel sad and very bad for the animals. People should not go out hunting!
Our animals have every right to live, just as much as we do. It's Thier world too! Hunters love it when an animal gets shot, but not when a human gets shot. That is not fair!
If there are too many hunters our animals could become extinct. In the future the animals that walked the earth will disappear. Hunters hunt all year long, except for Winter when the animals are hibernating.
Animals are as precious as us. we are basically animals ourselves. Every one and every thing is special in our own way on this planet.
I think people should stop hunting because our animals have every right to live and are very special and could become extinct, so it would be very wonderful if there were no more hunters in this world!!!
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Tsunami alarms should be placed more around christchurch?
Tsunami alarms should be placed more around Christchurch
I think Tsunami alarms should be placed on every 2-4 blocks. It's dangerous that some people can't hear the alarms in a emergency.
If there was an earthquake anywhere and we expected a tsunami, people out of brighton may not have been warned or could not hear the alarm and may drown or get badly hurt. It can even be hard for some people just out of Brighton to hear.
Animals may drown or get injured because they can not get saved know matter how much they bark at us cause they can hear the alarm.
Altogether I think the government should add more tsunami alarms around Christchurch and all over new Zealand .
By Hayley
Monday, 30 November 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Jazmyne's argument about fireworks
I like fireworks, they look cool but I think you shouldn't have them at home. Lots of people think they should be at home.
Fireworks should be one day a year because they can hurt animals. They can hurt their ears and frighten them. The animals can run away as well. Miss Harris' bunny sometimes runs away form the noise of the fireworks.
I think that you should ask your next door neighbour. They could be going to bed and you might wake them. They might have a big day at school the next day and they might be going to bed early.
You shouldn't have them at home because it could damage something. Like their house caught on fire or their fence, which means they need to buy a new house. Firemen would have to come with a hose to make the fire disappears.
I think you could have sparklers at home. But if they're ones that go in the sky I think those ones should be for public displays.
I like fireworks, they look cool but I think you shouldn't have them at home. Lots of people think they should be at home.
Fireworks should be one day a year because they can hurt animals. They can hurt their ears and frighten them. The animals can run away as well. Miss Harris' bunny sometimes runs away form the noise of the fireworks.
I think that you should ask your next door neighbour. They could be going to bed and you might wake them. They might have a big day at school the next day and they might be going to bed early.
You shouldn't have them at home because it could damage something. Like their house caught on fire or their fence, which means they need to buy a new house. Firemen would have to come with a hose to make the fire disappears.
I think you could have sparklers at home. But if they're ones that go in the sky I think those ones should be for public displays.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Today I meet Spike. He is a dragon lizard. His eyes are black as night. He is brown. He is a scaly fish. He comes from the Australian desert where it is really hot. He has a big mouth and a long tail. He has little short legs and a spikey body. He eats daises,bugs and lettuce.At the end of his fingers he has claws that curve like an arch. Spike is an unasal pet but he is really friendly. Spike was my favorite pet on pet day.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
blue the kitten
Blue the kitten has blue at the top of his body and white at the bottom of his body .He has blue eyes like the sky and cute little ears and a cute tale .he is as soft as a teddybear she eats cat food she is very little and is very shy and she and she has very little paws like a persons eye.
Monday, 2 November 2015
! LEO !
Leo is our Cat she's got big Bulgy yellow eyes like an owl in the Dark and she's all Black. She eats Jellymeat and Cat biscits and she like's her food alot. And when I say she like's her food alot I mean AAAAAALLLLLLOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!?!!!?!!!. She's very Lazy and use's me like a piece of funiture. Her wiskers are Long and she Loves to chase string and things that move quickly.
Writien by Franky
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Scooby -Doo
My fluffy cat Scooby is is white like snow and ginger like Rons hair on Harry potter Scooby loves to eat ice cream and cat meat .Whenever i eat my dinner he always eats some of my meat .His expression cool and calm sometimes he runs aroundthe house like a crazy cat.When he is sad his eyes get all big thats why i love my cat Scooby
Thursday, 29 October 2015
my dog marly
my dogs name is marly he is wight his heir os like sheep wool marly is carm when I'm pating him and ho loves dressing up in his raindeer cote he is helfey his ears are flopy he is rely nice to people because he is carm by Elijah
Rosies pet recount
My pets name is Rosie. Rosie is a orange chiwawa dog and Rosie’s eyes are as black as the midnight sky. Rosie likes to lick people so whatch out. She likes to run around and jump on people like a gymnast doing flips. Her legs are as skiny as a pencil and she like to have a lot of attention.I think Rosie is really fluffy and a really fun jumpy dog to play with!!!
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
The Amazing Trip
The amazing trip

In the holidays I went to kaikoura. we got to camp in my poppas camper van. My cousins Jesse and Kade came. My dad and their dad came as well. We went fishing, I got a fish . When we got back to camp we got to toast marshmallows over the fire. They were so yum. For tea we had fresh fish from some kind fisherman, it was yummy. The next day we went home we stopped at the beach on the trip home.
by Elijah
by Elijah
Monday, 19 October 2015
On Monday the 12th of October my dad, stepmom Jan, step brother Matt and little half sister Roma came back from the Phillipines.
When my grandad picked me up from school that day suprisingly he said he was picking us[me and Lily] up so we could see dad, so we went to the car and away we went. On the way we thought we were getting lost but we weren't. When we got there[to the International Arrivals Centre]we had to wait and then after about 3omins Dad, Jan, Matt and Roma came out and we got to choose some lollies and we went home THE END
When my grandad picked me up from school that day suprisingly he said he was picking us[me and Lily] up so we could see dad, so we went to the car and away we went. On the way we thought we were getting lost but we weren't. When we got there[to the International Arrivals Centre]we had to wait and then after about 3omins Dad, Jan, Matt and Roma came out and we got to choose some lollies and we went home THE END
My Alexandra Holiday Fun
On Saturday Mum,Dad,Oliver,Charlotte and i went to Alexandra were my Grandma and Granddad live.The day before we left my Granddad went to hospital.Its really sad that he's in hospital.When we arrived we went stragit to the hospital to see him.Then we went to my Grandmas house and unpacked our bags.I got out my laptop and ipad and played on my ipad and litstend to music and wrote a report on my laptop.The next day was my Mums birthday.Tom and Olivia my fav cousins were going swimming and they asked me and Charlotte if we wanted to come and we said yes so Charlotte, Jacob and I went to the swimming pool with Tom and Olivia.The small warm pool was closed so we wen had to go to the big COLD swimming pool.That cold water so Olivia Jacob and i were at the deep end and i tricked them to jumping in so once Jacob got out he pushed my in.After that we went on the diving boards and i tricked them again so Jacob pushed me in and after that e kept jumping and swimming and it was so much fu.In the car on the way back to grandmas we got to have a lollypop and a packet of chips.We we got inside there was 5 aunites and uncles and 7 cousins but thats not my whole family i have way more on the same side.On thursday we went to the swimming pool again with liv and tom but this time jacob didn't come and the big pool was closed because of swimming lessons.We also had another big dinner to say goodbye to my auntie who was going back to ausi.Two days later Dad,Oliver,Charlotte and i went back to Christchurch and mum stayed to help our granddad in hospital and she was flying back on the wednesday.
The best birthday party
On the second week of the school holidays it was my brothers 4 year old birthday. My Mum and Dad decided to celebrate his birthday with the whole family at the big epic spencer park near the cold river. We all packed our stuff and food to take to the park. Then we all went to my grandmas house to talk about it. When the adults finished talking my Mum went to see the cake she said OH MY GOSH HE WILL LOVE THIS DINOSAUR CAKE. They finally finished looking at the cake and talking, so then we all went in our cars drove to spencer park and walked to a big field. The adults set up the table while some of the kids jumped in the river and some of the other kids started doing cartwheels and handstands. When the adults finished setting up the table my Aunty brought the DINOSAUR cake. Then it was the time for my brother to blow his candles on the cake out. We all sang happy birthday to him. After it was time for my brother to open his presents. I was so excited because I brought him a mini tablet for his games and he loves to watch his dinosaurs on youtube. He was more excited he got his present straight away without mum saying now you can open it. He finished opening his presents then he saw his cousins jumping in the river so he jumped in the river as well. We had 20 minutes of playing because it was getting dark then we went back home. That was the best birthday party ever
Splashes In Hanmer
In the 2nd week on Saturday morning, Dad and I slept in.we woke up at 11:30 AM. I wasn't very excited until Dad said we were going to Hanmer. After breakfast we started to drive to Rangiora first, because Dad wanted to see a van.Also Dad wanted to work on a silo. We went to the house where the van was being sold. I took lots of pictures of sheep. I took an excellent picture, except one of the sheep was facing the wrong way and I got its bum instead of her face.
After that we went to the silo for a couple of hours. I felt sorry for Dad because when he went to the petrol station, Dad smelled like a pig farmer.
It was a long way to get to Hanmer. We reached Hanmer at 9:30 PM. We found a motel made of rocks. We stayed in a very nice room because it was made of stones and pebbles . In the morning I made a yummy luxury hot chocolate. I also watched Malifecent and had a shower. We drove around town then to the pools. I had a suprise when my friends from the Philippines were there. Janice, Hannah and Eina. I went on the Super Bowl hydroslide, with Janice many times,the first time we went backwards. It was so scary!
But after around 3 hours they had to leave. I had so much fun!!!
After that we went to the silo for a couple of hours. I felt sorry for Dad because when he went to the petrol station, Dad smelled like a pig farmer.
It was a long way to get to Hanmer. We reached Hanmer at 9:30 PM. We found a motel made of rocks. We stayed in a very nice room because it was made of stones and pebbles . In the morning I made a yummy luxury hot chocolate. I also watched Malifecent and had a shower. We drove around town then to the pools. I had a suprise when my friends from the Philippines were there. Janice, Hannah and Eina. I went on the Super Bowl hydroslide, with Janice many times,the first time we went backwards. It was so scary!
But after around 3 hours they had to leave. I had so much fun!!!
Friday, 16 October 2015
Orana park
Orana Park
On the weekend Mum,Jessica, Joshua and I went to Orana park. First we went to the monkeys. One was climbing on a rope and it fell off. It was funny when he fell because he grabbed his own arm instead of the rope and just fell.
Then we went to the kiwis, one was right up close to me. I only got a quick look because I'm scared of the dark.
Next we went to see the giraffes. They are really tough and not many people know that giraffes have purple tongues. They think they are blue.
After that we had a picnic lunch that mum and dad made for us.
Next we went to see the lions. One climbed up onto the cage of the truck. It looked like it was having the time of its life as the truck was going with the person who was feeding the lions in the cage. I would of liked to be in the cage.
Next we went to see the Tasmanian Devils we got a photo then we went to the tigers the person who was feeding the tigers threw the food it look like flying food.
Next we went to the Rainbow Trouts. The swan got in the way and started to eat the food.
Next we went to the Cheeters. I could just see it. The cheeter was storming the food.
In the car on the way home I almost fell a sleep.
The amazing hanmer trip
On thursday night I went to Hanmer and I stayed in my grandpas holiday house.My mum dad sister katelyn me and my cousins came.My cousins got there first because they went before they had there dinner. We got there after we had dinner. then me and lily[my cousin] made a cool tower with blocks and we put sheep on it. Then me, Lily and Katelyn went to bed but I didn't get mutch sleep
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Term 3 Carson
term 3 2015
by carson
This term we have done lots of things like....
-stamp reward I got two prizes. We get stamps for doing the right thing. You use them to get prizes at the auction.
-free writing I did a comic about Zombies.
-dodge ball we normally win yay
-pe sport, techniques with sport.
-energy poster, we all did one sentence about how energy works each
-reading toxic with Mrs Rooney it was one of the best.
Monday, 28 September 2015
Chile is a country. It is in South America and it is really warm. And it had Lots of earthquakes. It has lots of beautiful beaches. Some have orange sand and some have normal sand. Everybody speaks Spanish and no one speaks English. Some of the houses are really tall and there are lots of apartments. A deer is the national animal and the favourite sport in Chile is football.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Term 3 2015
This term we have been very busy the things we have been doing going to science alive.It was fun.Mr Gray read Tom gates books and we got to doodle. For doodling I'm doing a pic candle. For writing I'm doing a report about lions I like my report.
Tasmanian devils
Tasmanian devils are mammals. They live in Australia. They eat meat and they are endangered .
Tasmanian Devils are carnivorous they eat birds,lizards,insects and wallabies.
Wild Tasmanian Devils live in Tasmania in Australia. That's how they got there name.
Tasmanian devils are endangered because of devil facial- tumor disease an unusual type of cancer that can be spread to other devils through bites.
In 2008 there were 10,000 to 25,000 left in the wild.
I like Tasmanian devils because of there habitat.
Facts About Bunnies
Bunnies are cute, soft and fun to play with.Bunnies live in lots of forests.They are land mammals.Bunnies live in lots of parts in the world
* Bunnies like to eat fruit, vegitables and sometimes hay but bunnies deffinetly dont do meat.
* Bunnies like to live in Moutains, forests and rain forests.They like to dig holes and live there incase they get in danger.
*Bunnies are land mammals and they are very cute.You can also have a pet bunny.To have a pet bunny you need to have a house for it and you need to feed it and give it a lot of fresh water.
* I love bunnies i find them really cute and fun to play with.Ever since i was little i have had a toy bunny and have allways wanted to have a pet bunny.Bunnies love to cuddle up with people and like to stay warm.Bunnies enimes are sometimes cats and mostly dogs.
my report about snails
snails are so diverse that there are land snails,sea snails and fresh water snails.there are thousands of species of snails.the giant tiger land snail also known as the giant ghana snail is the largest snail in the land.the cone snails a family of sea snails is venomous and some of them are fatial to humanskilled by cone snails that have been regested.thee are around 600 different species in the family of cone snails.the sea snails breathe with gills,the land snails breathe with lungs while some species of fresh water snails breathe lungs and with gills.several species of land snails are used in the cousin of several countries ad they are considered a delicy
Christian Cullen
Christian Cullen
Christian Cullen is one of my favorite rugby players . I like the way he plays the game.
When He was playing he was the 8th top try-scorer in international rugby. He scored 46 points in 58 tests.
he was born in 1976 in Paraparaumu, NZ.
He played for the hurricanes in the super 12 he scored 308 points [56 tries, 8 con, 3 pen, 1 dg ]
his first game in the NZ sevens was in 1996 in 1998 he played in the Commonwealth games. He scored 9 tries and kicked 23 conversions and they won a gold medal.
At the end of 2003 Cullen moved to Ireland. Where he played for Munster
I really like how he uses speed to score tries. I like that he is always in the right place when the opposition are attacking.
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Time For Showtime
30 New Zealand stories are inside Showtime!
Picnics,musicians and the country show,birthdays,fairs and rodeo. 30 stories about New Zealand children showing what they are made of at home, at school, in parades and any where!
The comb kazoo, In the front row,bombe Alaska,Ophelia steals the show,Jacobs Jitters,book day,Uncle Barnies buttons, the best biscut plan, standing tall, shy, zee dance, shut your mouth, stumble bum, parade, the close shave, tThe School Of Hard Knocks,the show must go on,the dawn parade, stage fright,easy cake, Glory,The feathered cloak, Mikey Flecher and his South American dots,Rattrays last show,pot belly brown, The Great Orlando, The day Gran sang scilent night,real magic, the kiwi Christmas show and little savages.
Zee dance and stage fright are my favourite stories.
Zee dance is about a girl who is auditioning for a dance performance but she has a dream she was dancing with the nut cracker prince.
Stage fright is about a girl called Mady and she is in a class play but she gets stage fright so she pretends every one is in there undies.
This book is funny and wonderfull!
Mikey Fletcher and his South American dots is the funniest story because Mikey builds a stool for a tiny
Flea circus. Everyone thinks that the dots are there. But they are not even real!
To make it look like a flea is riding a little metal bike, Mikey uses a magnet.
Thursday, 17 September 2015
my fabulous amazing fathers day
On sunday it was fathers day. We went 4WDing with Gerard/ Brydie Bayley Dex Holly Emilie Luke
Friday, 4 September 2015
Emilia's happy Papi Day
Monday, 17 August 2015
Whack that piƱata
Title: Whack that piƱata
goal: try to whack the piƱata hard to get the candy
materials: A piƱata. A bat. And a rope. and blindfold
1.Chose a person to go first.
2.Put the blindfold on the person
3.Spin them around three times
4.Place the bat in there hands
[Tell the children to stand back other wise they will get hit]
5.Hold the bat on the piƱata
6. Then tell them to ... WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!
4.Place the bat in there hands
[Tell the children to stand back other wise they will get hit]
5.Hold the bat on the piƱata
6. Then tell them to ... WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!
Pin The SHARP Tail On The Amazing Donkey
Pin The Sharp Tail On The Amazing Donkey
First put the fake donkey poster on a wall were all the players can reach it.
Next put the sharp pin in the fake tail and give it to the first person in line.
Put the blind fold on the first person then they have to try get the
SHARP pined tail were it belongs on the donkeys
The person who gets the closest to the BUM wins!!
First put the fake donkey poster on a wall were all the players can reach it.
Next put the sharp pin in the fake tail and give it to the first person in line.
Put the blind fold on the first person then they have to try get the
SHARP pined tail were it belongs on the donkeys
The person who gets the closest to the BUM wins!!
The Bobbing Tournament
Welcome To The Bobbing Tournament
Goal: Try Bob The Most Apples
Materials: A Big Bowl, Fresh Water, More Than 5 Apples
Step 1: Fill The Bowl Up With Fresh Water
Step 2: Add 5 Apples Or More
Step 3: Invite Lots Of Your Friends And Enjoy All The Fun!
Step 4: Have At least 10 friends
| |
| Enjoy all the awesome fun!!!! |
| |
" ouch" said the donkey
Materials- pins,a fake tail,blind fold,donkey poster,people and a wall.
1.Hang poster on wall
2.Blind fold one person.
3.Spin the blind folded person 4 times
4.Give them the tail with the pin.
5.Pin the tail on the donkey.
The winner is the one who gets the tail in the right place.
Parce the parcel
Goal:To get the parcel to land on you and get the big prize
What you need:
Scellor tape, 10- 20 layers of newspaper, A bag of your choice of lollies, Some jewllery or small toys, A big cool prize, 5-15 people, some way of playing music,
1.Get out a labor of newspaper and lay on table.
2. Take your big prize and place on newspaper.
3.Scellor tape up the newspaper so you can't see the prize. this over but to small bits of candy or toys.
AWW said the donkey
To get the tail on the donkeys bum oo
Blind folds
Donkey plasta
1.hang the plaster on the wall
2.than blind fold the person
3.than spin the person around four times
4.than let go of the person and let the person walk the person try to get the pin on the donkeys bum but fail
You are ment to get it on the donkeys BUM
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Bunny style
Bunny style
Water (optional)
GOAL: to fill your mouth with tasty marshmallows
Marshmallows bowl/plastic bag
1. Sit down with the bag of marshmallows.
2. Put a marshmallow in your mouth and say chubby bunny
Keep going till you can't fit any more in your mouth.
Keep going until the bag is empty
The fabulous chocolate game
Goal. To eat the most chocolate
Meterals chocolate tray nice and fork scarf shoes a hat a shirt
1.Get a tray and put down
2.then get the chocolate and put it on the tray.
3.roll the dice till you get a zero
4.then put on the clothes
5.Get the nife and fork
6.Then eat as much chocolate as you can.
Grow the donkeys tail
Goal: to pin the tail in the exact middle of the donkeys bum.
Materials: pin, fake tail (can be cardboard), Donkey poster, group of people, blindfold.
Materials: pin, fake tail (can be cardboard), Donkey poster, group of people, blindfold.
- Put the poster on the wall.
- Tie the pin to the cardboard.
- Organise a line with the people.
- Put the blindfold on the first person in the line.
- Pass the pin to the person with the blindfold on.
- Walk towards the poster the best you can (this is for the person with the blindfold on)
- Trie ame the pin to the donkeys bum.
- Take the blindfold of the see were you got it
- Continue this over and over with ever person.
The person that got it the closest to where the tail would go on a real donkey is the winner.
Jessica's musical tag game
Jessica's musical tag game
Goal- try not to get tagged and try not to move when the music is off.
Lots of people
Large spot to play
1. Pick a tager and music person and spread everyone out
2. Press the button on the radio( only the music person does this)
3. Every one runs around, if some one does not they are out
4. If you get tagged you are out
5. At any time the music person will turn off the music and every one will freeze, if you are caught moving you are out.
6. If you are out you must sit down
Conclusion- the last person still standing wins
The secret murderest
The secret murderest
to tag people while blind folded
MATERIALS :Blind fold, dark room ,people
method:Find a tagger
- Blind fold the tagger in the dark room
- Spin person that is in
Conclusion: once everyone has been tagged you start again with a different tagger
The killing murder in the dark
The killing murder in the dark room.
Method: To tag the people while being blind folded in the dark haunted room.
You need: Blind fold, people, a dark room.
- Find a tagger to be the murder in the dark room.
- Spin the murder in and also count to ten then let go.
- Then start hiding in the dark move or run, skip, swim, to hide.
To make everyone get murdered in the dark room... start hiding or else.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Party games
1. Chocolate game
2 . Pass the parcel
3. Pin the tail on the donkey
4. Lollie scramble
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Olivia's netball
Olivia's netball
The wind blew in my face sending a chill down my back. As we walked slowly on to the icy coarts of Hagley park on the icy Tuesday. As we walked we watched the other teams play games and tried to look out for my coasins. When we got to the Marquee we put our bags and chairs down. THen mum went to get a coffee, fluffy and hot chocolate for us. Then we went to watch Olivia's game. I can't remember who they versed or the score but I know they won. After tht Emilie, Mum, Zoe and I went watch my cousin Mika play. I think they won but I don't know. But I what I do know was that someone in Mika's team fell over and twisted her ankle. After that drama we went to watch Olivia play netball against St Margarets. Olivia's team won 19-17. Following that we had something to eat and went to watch Mika play again. By that time we were all a little cold and tired. They ended in the top 4 out of 32 teams.
Monday, 3 August 2015
Sunday, 2 August 2015
The Incredible Trip
In the holiday's I went to see my Nan and Granddad. Javae, Shyla, Mum and I went. In Dunedin we went to the Meridian Mall and we went shopping. I went to Smiggles and I bought a pencil and a bean bag my bean bag is black and soft. We were there for a week and the trip was fun.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
On Friday Keanu came over for a play date and we watched a movie it was called Captain America the WInter Soldier. After the movie we played Disney infinity 2.0 and it was fun.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
The exciting trip to Hanmer Springs
On the last week of the school Holiday's Dad and I went to hanmer. When we got to hanmer it was 5'Ocloke so we decided not to unpack but to go straight to the pool. By the time we got the pool it started to get dark. We where jumping pool to pool and finally he lazy river the lights in the pool where like the blue northern lights reaching across the sky!When we where done jumping pool to pool we got changed and went to a restaurant where we ordered pasta and a hamburger. The had the pasta and Dad had the hamburger. When our food arrived we got stuck in. It was delicious,mushrooms,bacon and sauce...Delicious! I seriously needed a drink so i orded lemonade. When we finished we went straight to the caben and watched the rugby. At 9:30 i went to sleep i fell straight asleep i sleepped like there was no tommorw in the morning when i woke up we first went to golf i helped my Dad with the scoring. At the end of golf we had to go find Mum and the rest of the family because we tried to call them but Dads phone died...So we went or a walk.When we saw Mum we took Them back to the cabin. As the hours went past Mum and Dad finaly decided to book a privet pool and go at night. When night came ( to be exact 6:45) We jumped in the car... It was only a 1 minute drive. When we got there we went to the counter we payed and started walking to the privet pool's.The cold heavy rain was pounding on my face like a shower of snow. We walked though the rain to the pool...We got in the privet pool and got in the pool it was so hot i jumped back out. Finally a got in the pool it took a minute to get used to temperature. Mun,Dad,Sam and Will decided to not stay in there because it was to hot for Will so we skipped that. And then Sam felt sick so Dad took Sam and Will to the cabin so it was just Mum and i. When Mum and I where done with the pools we went back to the cabin to sleep. In the morning we got packed and headed home. I was wanting to stay longer but no i couldn't.
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Orana Park
In the school holidays I went to Orana park with my granny and my sister Katelyn. At Orana park we got to feed the giraffe. We got to see meer-cats loins and tigers we even got to see baby cheetahs and baby rhinos. some minutes later we went on the tractors and saw heaps of animals.We went to see the kiwis inside it was as dark as night. After that we went and saw the farm animals. There was heaps of animals. There were even some bunnies and guinea pigs that were as soft as a teddy. After we went home. I had a good time at Orana Park.
In the school holidays I went to Orana park with my granny and my sister Katelyn. At Orana park we got to feed the giraffe. We got to see meer-cats loins and tigers we even got to see baby cheetahs and baby rhinos. some minutes later we went on the tractors and saw heaps of animals.We went to see the kiwis inside it was as dark as night. After that we went and saw the farm animals. There was heaps of animals. There were even some bunnies and guinea pigs that were as soft as a teddy. After we went home. I had a good time at Orana Park.
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